The Easiest way to Improvise – Combine 2 Elements

  • How do you Improvise?
  • Combine 2 Things.
  • Which Things?
  • Any Things.

Summary – 4 steps to an easy Improvisation

  1. Pick a 1st Element
  2. Add a 2nd Element
  3. Define 3 Relationships between these 2 Elements
  4. Add another Element
  • Improvisation is Visualization.
  • Imagining the Object, Character or Environment you try to flesh out is the easiest way to make it believable.
  • Visualize the Unique Properties of this Item.
  • What makes it Memorable?

2 Elements

  • Any 2 elements?
  • 2 Elements is all you need to create Thematic Contrast.
  • And Contrast is all you need to create Interest.
  • You will need a Funny element.
  • A Shocking element.
  • And a Deep (or Serious) element.
  • It offers you 3 types of Combination :
    • Funny + Shocking
    • Deep + Shocking
    • Funny + Deep
  • 1st Element – The Tension
  • In the case of a Short Story, it would be called a Setup.
  • Characters, Environment, Items & Stories all have a Tension Element.
  • What is the Tension Element for a Character?
  • Her Goal.
  • The Character’s Goal will guide all her Actions.
  • What is the Tension Element for an Item?
  • Its Function.
  • An Item is defined, most often, by its Function.
  • What is the Tension Element for an Environment & a Story?
  • Environments & Stories are easier to improvise together.
  • As an Environment is created so is its Story.
  • Define the Stakes & Stakeholders.
  • Then explain how they generate an Issue.
  • Establishing a synergy between the Stakes & the Issue is essential.
  • You need a causality to then resolve the situation.
  • 2nd Element – The Resolution
  • In the case of a Short Story, it would be called a Punchline.
  • What is the Resolution Element for a Character?
  • Her Appearance.
  • The Appearance of a Character is the transcription of her Goal.
  • What is the Resolution Element for an Item?
  • Its Use.
  • Especially if the Item’s Use is different from its intended Use.
  • What is the Resolution Element for an Environment & a Story?
  • Once the Stakes & Issues are defined you need a resolution.
  • Imagine 3 Options.
  • You don’t need more than 3 Options whatever you’re creating.
  • Imagine 3 Triggers.
  • And how each of them leads to a different Resolution.

You can also consider that the Tension is the Idea.
While the Resolution is its Execution.

If you want to know more about Improvisation & Diversity.

Paradoxes & Synergy

  • Paradoxes
  • Establishing a Paradox is simple.
  • Create a Distortion between the Supposed Role & the Effective Role of any Element.
  • Think about the most Inappropriate Use for a specific Item.
  • Think about the most Inappropriate Behavior for a specific Character type.
  • Think about the most Inappropriate Element to find in a specific Environment.
  • Think about an Element which would distort the Frame or the Genre of your Story.
  • To Establish a Synergy, do the opposite.
  • Synergy & Complementarity
  • Synergies make for a Consistent world.
  • Consistency & Diversity make your World immersive.
  • Complementarity is better in the long term.
  • It indicates a Sustainable World.
  • Interactions make all Elements of your World more believable :
    • Relationships generate Stories.
    • Stories happen in Environments.
    • Generally, Environments contain Items.
    • And Items tends to make Relationships evolve.
  • It’s a simple Cycle.
  • You may want to look Illogical
  • Paradox Creates Interest.
  • Paradox indicates a potential Danger.
  • Which is why they drag one’s attention much more than synergies.
  • Paradoxes are the easiest way to create memorable moments & Characters.
  • Think about the divergence between Tension & Resolution.
  • Make them Antipodes.
  • The 3 Relationships
  • You want to compare 3 Dimensions :
    • Nature
    • Role – World
    • Function – Story
  • By Comparing these 3 Dimensions you’ll establish Paradoxes & Synergies.

If you want to know more about Coherence & Consistency.

Adding more Elements

  • 3 Options
  • Think about 3 Options for each Situation.
  • When your Main Characters interact with other Characters they should be able to resolve their conflicts in multiple ways.
  • Even if these ways are slightly different.
  • If they are trading or looking for Information, they should be able to obtain this piece of Information :
    • for Money,
    • by offering something other than money,
    • by Force.
  • To create diversity allow the violent option, but make it the less appealing.
  • Why add more Elements?
  • A 3rd element adds Complexity.
  • And Complexity deepens your Stories.
  • Aggregating & Coherence happens eventually.
  • All elements of your World are subject to change.
  • This Change happens independently of any Character’s intervention.
  • It’s an Incremental evolution :
    • Test
    • Fail
    • Restart
  • Example – Hidden Characters
  • When it comes to Hidden Characters the Tension element is the Intention.
  • Which is similar to the Goal.
  • However the Intention is more visible than the Goal.
  • It is the manifestation of the Goal.
  • It’s therefore, the way to Display the Character’s true Goal.
  • How to Create a Hidden Character?
    1. Define the Character’s Goal.
    2. Give the Character a Role allowing her to hide her Goal
    3. Let her behave in a way which is coherent with her Goal

If you want to know more about Immersion & Complexity.

Canvas & 24 Examples

  • Your Canvas & why create 24 Examples
  • Create them for Yourself.
  • Create them so that they Entertain you.
  • Create these Templates to reduce your Workload.
  • These Elements can be reused in any Story.
  • Create them to develop the Improvisation Habit.
  • To make the task easier create 1 per day.
  • During the next Month create 24 Objects for your next Story :
    • 6 Characters – define their Goal, Origins, Intent & Role.
    • 6 Environments – define the Atmosphere & Role.
    • 6 Stories – define their Genre & Frame.
    • 6 Items – define their Function & Use.
  • Once you’ve filled table you can reuse it for any other Story.
  • As long as you alter some elements.

Funny + Shocking
Deep + Shocking
Funny + Deep
Funny + Shocking
Deep + Shocking
Funny + Deep
Stories – Funny
Funny + Shocking
Deep + Shocking
Funny + Deep
Funny + Shocking
Deep + Shocking
Funny + Deep
24 days – Template

If you want to know more about Canvas & Templates.



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