Tag: World building

  • How to summarize your Story in 1 Page?

    How to summarize your Story in 1 Page?

    Presenting a whole book is tedious. A Summary allows you to pitch your story. A 1 page Summary, or 1-Pager, contains all the essential information on your Story. It helps the reader to get into the Story. Summary – 4 steps to a 1-Pager Write the Title, which is your Core Theme Write 4 paragraphs,…

  • How to Improvise? Coherence & Consistency

    How to Improvise? Coherence & Consistency

    Coherence is defined by the presence of certain Elements. It is a Quality issue. Consistency is defined by the intensity/rhythm at which these Elements are used. It is a Quantity issue. Coherence & Consistency form a Cohesion. Summary – 6 steps to a Cohesive Story Create the Main Story. Write your Ending. Create 4 to…

  • How to Create a Setting? Horror

    How to Create a Setting? Horror

    How does Horror unfolds? Horror accumulates gradually in a closed Space. Independently of this Space’s scale. Horror saturates. And then Bursts. Summary – 6 steps to Horror Establish a Changing Atmosphere. Create a Place of Comfort. Place a Precious Object in this Place. Place a Threat. Let Brutality & Pain accumulate. In order to prepare…

  • How to Create a Setting? Mystery

    How to Create a Setting? Mystery

    Mysteries are Enticing. They’re both a Demonstration & a Story. And they look complicated to craft. Though, all you need is People acting in a simple Time frame. Summary – 5 steps to Mystery Define the Location where the Crime is perpetrated. Define a Time Frame. Establish the Relationships : Victim Suspects Investigator Perpetrator Display…

  • How to Draw a Fictional Map? Geography

    How to Draw a Fictional Map? Geography

    Your Maps should look Coherent. The Position of each element should seem to be the product of multiple phenomena converging to the actual Structure. Synergy is Key. Summary – 6 steps to a Nice Geography You need Mundane locations. You need to set up Surprising locations. You’ll want to tell the Story of your World…