Tag: Teams

  • How to create Hybrid Characters?

    How to create Hybrid Characters?

    Hybrid classes & Multi-Classes 4 Main Attributes Which Attribute does your Character need? What are the Main Attributes shared by all Characters? Endurance/Constitution, Strength, Dexterity/Agility, Intelligence/Faith Are there other essential Attributes? Most other Attributes will be Class Specific. Balance Balancing these 4 attribute allows to create a Balanced Character. A Balanced Character is more Transversal.…

  • How to display Intimate Relationships?

    Closeness Common Origins Which Crisis gathered these characters? What Crisis divided them? Did they become ennemies? How did they become enemies? Were they friends beforehand? Can they become friend once more? Did they have a relationship? Are they part of the same family? Are they part of the same organization? Were they born in the…

  • How to Write a Resilient Character?

    Birth Roughness of the Birth How was the Character put into the World? Where was her 1st bed? With who did she sleep? Who take care of her? Early Childhood Who fed the Character? Who taught her basic skills? What were these skills? Are they still to use to her today? What were her 1st…