How to display Intimate Relationships?


  • Common Origins
  • Which Crisis gathered these characters?
  • What Crisis divided them?
  • Did they become ennemies?
  • How did they become enemies?
  • Were they friends beforehand?
  • Can they become friend once more?
  • Did they have a relationship?
  • Are they part of the same family?
  • Are they part of the same organization?
  • Were they born in the same place?
  • Interests
  • What did they Studies?
  • What attracted them to this topic?
  • Which problem did they try to solve?
  • Did they succeed?
  • Which Interests do they share?
  • How do they Unite them?
  • How do they relate to their Goal?
  • Dating
  • Do they ask questions to each other?
  • Do they go out?
  • Do they meet each other’s relatives?
  • Do they share issues?
  • Do they listen to each other needs?
  • Do they listen to each other wishes?
  • Do they listen to each other suggestions?


  • Assistance
  • How do the Characters define Reciprocity?
  • How do they divide tasks?
  • Can she be in love with her Friends?
  • Are they enduring common grief?
  • Do they share the same issues?
  • Friendship
  • What’s their definition of Personal space?
  • How do they define Individuality?
  • How do they define Selfishness?
  • How do they act to support another?
  • When do they feel Rejected?
  • How do they react?
  • How honest are they with each other?
  • How old is their friendship?
  • How healthy is their friendship?
  • How did it originated?
  • How can they Transitions to a Family relationship?
  • Family
  • What is Belonging?
  • Do they celebrate Birthdays?
  • Do they have Anniversaries?
  • Do they offer each other Gifts?
  • How do they find Bliss?
  • When are they at Peace?
  • What do they want for their group?
  • What do they want for their peers?
  • How do they display Warmth toward 1 another?
  • What is a Hearth?
  • What is Home?
  • Organization
  • Do they own their Organization?
  • What is this Organization
    • Is it a cult?
    • Is it an administration?
    • Is it a corporation?
    • Is it a guild?
  • How is it organized?
  • Why did they create it?
  • Do they plan to dismantle it eventually?
  • Do they want to it to become long term?
  • Was it only created in response to a Crisis?
  • Do they work with her relatives?
  • Do they belong to a caste?


  • Daily Life
  • How do they spend the Day?
  • Do they Eat together?
  • Do they Cook together?
  • Do they Sleep together?
  • Do they wake up together?
  • Do they play with one another?
  • Which kind of game to they play together?
  • Do they watch movies?
  • Do they read books?
  • How is their Time spend?
  • How do they display Togetherness?
  • What activity takes the most of their time?
  • Benevolence
  • How to they address each other?
  • How do they regard other people?
  • How do they display Deference?
  • How do they display their ambition to help?
  • How do they advise each other?
  • When do they interrupt each other?
  • When do they ask each other for help?
  • How do they care for each other?
  • Protection
  • How do they defend each other?
  • Are they together against Opponents?
  • Are they together against Rightful Authorities?
  • Are they together when a mob charges towards them?
  • How do they retaliate?
  • Do they adopt coordinated Formations?
  • Do they stop each other from hurting themselves?
  • Are they violent towards one another?
  • Why?
  • How does this relate to protection?
  • To which extent will the Characters go for one another?
  • Will they die for one another?
  • Will they protect each other through forbidden means?
  • Will they lie for one another?
  • Will they kill for one another?
  • Who will they kill?
  • What would they destroy?


  • Change
  • What are the Constrains on the Group?
  • Did they join Voluntarily?
  • Were they forced to act together?
  • Punctually?
  • Do they behave according to Personal interest?
  • Do they behave according to the interest of the group?
  • How do they define their common goal?
  • How do they move towards this goal?
  • How can they reach it faster?
  • Are they always attracted to this goal?
  • Are they hesitant?
  • Can they be Honest towards 1 another?
  • Rigor
  • How do they display Resilience?
  • How do they display Deference?
  • How do they behave when confronted to a Crisis?
  • Can they maintain their Calm?
  • How do they train?
  • How do they train each other?
  • Are they trying to develop conjoined habits?
  • What’s the 1st thing they think about when they wake up?
  • Improvement
  • What Improvement does the relationship bring?
  • Are the Partners in need of improvement?
  • How do they plan to improve themselves?
  • Is there a rivalry between them?
  • What’s the intensity of the rivalry?
  • On which topic are they rivals?
  • Hierarchy
  • Was there relation Asymmetric in the beginning?
  • How did it evolve?
  • How do the characters relate to each other?
  • How do they address each other?
  • How do they call each other?
  • Do they address each other casually?
  • Do they sound passionate when they discuss?


  • Loss
  • How did this one disappear?
  • Where did she go?
  • Where was she taken?
  • How did the loss occur?
  • How brutally?
  • How instantly?
  • How surprising was it?
  • Definitive
  • Did it come to an end?
  • Is a member of the group dead?
  • Did she commit suicide?
  • For which reason?
  • What would her partners do?
    • In reciprocity?
    • In retaliation?
    • In order to recover her?
    • In order to unleash her frustration?
  • Why can’t the relationship be reformed?
  • Why can’t the relationship be repaired?
  • What makes the separation definitive?
  • Consensual
  • How do the relationship end?
  • Is there Hatred?
  • Is there Despise?
  • What wrong has been done?
  • Was something Stolen?
  • Was something Broken?
  • How do your characters define Betrayal?



