Tag: How to Improvise

  • How to Improvise? Coherence & Consistency

    How to Improvise? Coherence & Consistency

    Coherence is defined by the presence of certain Elements. It is a Quality issue. Consistency is defined by the intensity/rhythm at which these Elements are used. It is a Quantity issue. Coherence & Consistency form a Cohesion. Summary – 6 steps to a Cohesive Story Create the Main Story. Write your Ending. Create 4 to…

  • How to Improvise a Scalable Game?

    How to Improvise a Scalable Game?

    You can Create a Game in a Day. And then Expand in a Week. Or in a Month, depending on your Attachment to this game. Scalability is all about your will to Develop your Game. All you need to provide in the 1st Day are the Essential Tools. Summary – 6 steps to a Scalable…

  • The Complete Improviser’s Toolbox

    The Complete Improviser’s Toolbox

    What do you need to be able to Improvise any Story? A set of Characters. A World. A set of Stories. How do you design them? Here’s how. Summary – The Toolbox’s content 6 to 12 Main Characters A Relationship Map 3 to 6 Main Environments A World Map A Set of 8 Story types…

  • Improvisation for Storyteller – Playing Multiple Characters

    Improvisation for Storyteller – Playing Multiple Characters

    Characters are the foundation of your story. Creating them will be the most engaging task. So much so that an author may get trapped into the character creation’s process. Summary – How to play Multiple Characters? Create 6 Characters Give them Roles & Functions Give them converging Goals & Alignments Give them a Place to…

  • How to Summarize a Story in 1 Sentence?

    How to Summarize a Story in 1 Sentence?

    A Story is easier to Understand & Present if it can be summarized. It also allows you to Pitch it more progressively. If a potential client is interested in your Story but cannot hear too much of it. Finally, It offers you the concision you need to Remember all your core Storylines. Because, you’ll write…