How to Improvise? Encounters

  • Every Story is a chain of Encounters.
  • Discoveries & Crisis, punctuated by phases of Rest.
  • Each Scene is an Encounter.
  • How do you create surprising Encounters?

Summary – 6 steps to memorable Encounters

  1. Define the Atmosphere
  2. Define the Issue
  3. Define the Stakes
  4. Define the Options
    • Fight
    • Negotiate
    • Flee
  5. Define the Outcome
  6. Define the Aftermath
  • Encounters Rhythm your Story.
  • They entice all to pursue the Story.
  • How do you make use of them to maintain the Public & the Character’s interest?


  • Atmosphere
  • 1st, you need to Frame the Encounter.
  • Environments are defined by their Colors.
  • As well as the impact of Light on them.
  • The Environment influence Characters.
  • It forces them to adapt & develop their skills.
  • Potential Dangers make an Environment more alive.
  • Every menace encountered by the Characters is a new Souvenir.
  • As well as the Scarcity of a specific resource can put them in an deadly situation.
  • The Rhythm of the environment defines the Rhythm of the Characters.
  • Type of Interaction
  • Your Characters may interact with other Characters.
  • The Character’s goal is core to define the Interaction.
  • And how it aligns with the Character’s behavior.
  • She may be benevolent.
  • She may be hostile.
  • Her intentions may be undetermined.
  • There may be no direct opposition in the mean time.
  • But she could oppose the Characters later.
  • Your Characters may interact with Environments.
  • They may Discover one.
  • Chose to Explore one.
  • Or even Collect resources.
  • Resolution
  • The Resolution of an Encounter is defined by the other Character’s Intentions.
  • There are different Type of oppositions.
  • As well as different Type of alliances a Character can form.
  • Your team may want to get the attention of another Character.
  • Or to get rid of another Character.
  • The Most common resolution Options are :
    • Fight/Taunt/Threaten
    • Negotiate/Trade/Corral
    • Flee/Hide/Distract

If you want to know more about Diversity & Improvisation.


  • Weak
  • When it comes to weak encounters there are 2 main questions to consider :
    • Should your Character allocate time to this Encounter?
    • Should she make use of violence?
  • If your Character is superior to her enemy she’s unlikely to waste her energy on this enemy.
  • Likewise if it is a weaker ally.
  • Weak Characters may be in need of help though.
  • They may be in possession of a valuable piece of information.
  • Should your Characters help them?
  • Is it a valuable use of their time?
  • Strong
  • Strong Encounters are based on Opposition.
  • But opposition doesn’t mean Hostility.
  • Characters may be opposed in early stages and ally later.
  • Strong Characters tend to have High Goals.
  • Therefore, these Characters should have valuable skills.
  • Why not recruit them?
  • A Strong encounter is also an Unusual Encounter.
  • Create out-of-boundaries Creatures & Characters.
  • Individuals which behave differently than the rest of their Species.
  • With Specific Quirk in order to make them more memorable.
  • Mixed
  • Mixes Encounters are Surprising.
  • They are meant to Shock the Characters.
  • Often they will take the form of a group of multiple Creatures.
  • These can be Different type of Creatures.
  • Or Different Groups size.
  • The Nature of these Groups can be the Shocking element.
  • As well as The Nature of the Alliance.
  • The Heart of the Surprise resides in the Shocking nature of the Alliance.
  • For best results, ally 2 Groups which should be Enemies.

If you want to know more about Intensity & Consistency.


  • Simple Issues
  • Simple Issues are Common Issues.
  • They take place in Mild Environment.
  • Daily Issues make your world more believable.
  • As they are simple they have Simple solutions.
  • They can be solved through peaceful resolutions.
  • Most often they should be solved through cooperation.
  • However, frustration may accumulate as these mundane issues do.
  • And because of this frustration certain characters may cause more mayhem.
  • Threats
  • Threats feel more Dangerous is the Environment is against the Characters.
  • Weather is a way to create Danger.
  • Structure are meant to have dangerous Specificities.
  • The very Setting can be Unstable.
  • There can be hostile Inhabitants.
  • There can be Traps.
  • The Characters may face a Strong Opposition.
  • They should be pressured by their opponents.
  • They should face opponents which Use new Skills.
  • Threats Limit the Characters Alternatives.
  • And Characters should look for the most efficient alternative.
  • If peace is an option so be it.
  • But if it isn’t, they should try to force it.
  • Immediate Threats should be treated at a Fast pace.
  • Which long term Threats should be treated at a Slower pace.
  • Crisis
  • Crisis are Harsh.
  • They should leave the Characters scared.
  • Crisis imply Deadly Environments.
  • And Antipodal Opposition.
  • During a Crisis there is Little to no way to reason an opponent.
  • Catastrophes are an efficient way to create Crisis.
  • Wherever they are Natural or Engineered Catastrophes they should be large-scaled.
  • Solving a Crisis is a Slow & deliberate process.
  • The Characters should be attentive.
  • They should try to Intimidate the opponent.
  • As the opponent is likely to Trivialize them.
  • All their focus should be on Survival.
  • Fleeing is an Option.

If you want to know more about Escalation & Pain.


  • Hidden Character
  • Characters’ intention are essential to determine their role.
  • Some Characters may hide their intentions.
  • The Character may be hidden :
    • Literally – hidden Character
    • Figuratively – Character whose Role was hidden
  • There are 2 main cases of hidden Characters :
    • Hidden Hindrance
    • Hidden Benefactor
      • In the case of a hidden benefactor there may be a counterpart Eventually.
  • The main appeal of Hidden Characters is Mystery.
  • Then the Characters should Unveil her Identity.
  • As well as her motives.
  • A 3rd party
  • An Unidentified organization may appear later in the Story.
  • It can be an especially late point.
  • Maybe near the Conclusion.
  • The Later it is, the Simpler the explanation should be.
  • 3 Questions should be answered if a 3rd party appears :
    • Why wasn’t it part of the conflict?
    • Why is it now?
    • How do they plan to thwart the other 2 sides?
  • You can them imagine multiple outcomes :
    • The 3rd party sides with party A
    • The 3rd party sides with party B
    • The 3rd party destroys party A
    • The 3rd party destroys party B
    • The 3rd party opposes both parties
    • The 3rd party wants to ally with both parties
  • Alignment shift
  • Why would a Character change sides?
  • If they are given a Better Life elsewhere.
  • Characters change sides when they are given more Consideration.
  • It could be materialized by a higher position in an organization.
  • They could be Pressured to save one’s life.
  • Maybe the Character’s own life.
  • The shifting Character should be looking for a Reward.
  • There are 3 main types of Rewards :
    • Experiences & Sensations
    • Opportunities & Titles
    • Information

If you want to know more about Surprises.



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