How do you make the Narrator a Character?

The Narrator can be a Character met in the Story, observing the Story, orienting the Story.

Here’s a simple process on how to integrate her.

Summary – 4 steps to an Integrated Narrator

  1. Define Who the Narrator is.
  2. What is her Relationships with the other Characters?
  3. What’s her Goal, other than narrating the Story?
    1. Why does she narrate it?
    2. Was she the testimony of a remarkable event?
  4. Give her a Quirk that helps the Characters & the Public to identify her as the Narrator.
    1. It could be something obvious, a book, a notebook, a pen or a brush
    2. It could be a symbol representing a theme of your Story: an artefact, a key, a souvenir…

Can the narrator be the main character?

It is indeed possible.

And you can give her this Function in the Story quite easily.

If you wish to.

All you need to do is to adapt the aforementioned process :

  1. Define Why the Narrator is the Main Character.
  2. Define her Relationships with the other Characters.
  3. Define her Goal as the Main Character.
  4. Give her a Quirk that helps the Characters & the Public to identify her as the Main Chacter.
  5. Eventually, you can decide if she would become the Antagonist or the Protagonist.
    1. Does she Start as the Protagonist?
    2. Does she Start as the Antagonist?
    3. Does her function change?

The Narrator’s Identity

  • Origins
  • Why do you need a Narrator Character?
  • Why do you need a Character to be specifically identified as the Narrator?
  • Isn’t there always a Narrator?
  • In most cases, the Story is related through the Protagonist Perspective.
  • Will you make the Narrator the Protagonist?
  • Is she fit for another position?
  • Name
  • What in her Name indicates she is the Narrator?
  • How does her name translate her Goal?
  • If you can define the Narrator’s Goal till the beginning of the Story her Name will gradually make more sense.
  • Symbol
  • Does the Narrator have a Symbol?
  • Does she Display it?
  • Which kind of Symbol is it?
  • How does it display her Identity?
  • Does it reveal 1 of the Story’s main Themes?
  • Which Theme?
  • How Fundamental is it to the Story?
  • How Fundamental is it to the Narrator?

The Narrator’s Goal

  • Met in the Story
  • The Narrator can be an Actor.
  • She can be Antagonistic.
  • Most of the time you’ll want her to be sympathetic.
    • Because she’s an Essential Character.
  • She may be Supportive.
    • To the Protagonist.
    • To the Antagonist.
  • The Actor it the most Attached to the Characters.
  • Wherever she is:
    • Part of the Team.
    • Opposing the Team.
    • or Apparently neutral.
  • As an Actor, the Narrator will accompany the Characters.
  • She will explore the same Worlds.
  • She will experience the Story.
  • See it unfold around her.
  • Relating the Story
  • The Narrator can be an Interpreter.
  • A Character who relates the Story as objectively as possible.
  • She intends to respect the frame of the Story.
  • She attempts to establish other Character’s intentions as accurately as possible.
  • This may be too rigid.
  • And in many cases high undoable.
  • The Narrator is a Character.
  • Therefore their Point of View is Subjective.
  • Their Perspective has to be fundamentally inflexible.
  • This Perspective can create a sense of Familiarity.
  • As well as a sense of Equity.
  • The Interpreter is not the most Detached Narrator.
    • That’s the Observant.
  • She tends to be the most Reflective.
  • She will to Run the Story as Intended.
  • Observing the Story
  • The Narrator can be an Observant.
  • Detached from other Characters.
  • Detached from the Story itself.
  • In this case the Narrator has her own Point of view.
  • She will make remarks on Characters & Settings.
  • She will define clear atmospheres.
  • She can be quite vague.
  • Atmospheres & Setting have to be Clear, not Precise.
  • She is often Grandiose.
  • Her direct influence on the Story will be fairly limited.
  • She will Accompany the Public more than the Characters.
  • Offering the Public a performance, more than a Testimony.
  • Orienting the Story
  • The Narrator can be a Force.
  • She can Change the Story.
  • Create Events.
  • Create Trials.
  • She may want to test the Characters.
  • She may want to Help the Characters.
  • Or to Hinder the Characters.
  • A Force will Influence the Environments.
  • And she will greatly Influence the Relationships.
  • She can Reward Characters.
  • As much as she can Punish them.

If you want to know more about Goals & Roles.


  • Alignment
  • What is the Narrator’s original disposition?
  • Who is she inclined to ally with?
  • Who would she oppose?
  • Why?
  • What is her Role?
  • Who can help her fulfil this Role better?
  • What is her Function?
  • Who can help her fulfil this Function better?
  • Who is she likely to join?
  • Who is she likely to eliminate?
  • Team
  • Does the Narrator become part of a Team?
  • Which kind of Team?
    • Did she join them willingly?
    • Was she forced to join them?
  • Whose Team?
    • Is it the Protagonist’s Team?
    • Is it the Antagonist’s Team?
    • Is it a 3rd Party?
  • Which Role should she Occupy?
  • Each type of Narrator is more fitting for 1 of the 12 Roles.
  • How does her place in the Team should evolve?
  • Should she change of Role?

If you want to know more about how to display Relationships.


  • What makes the Narrator Memorable?
  • Is it the Themes she deals with?
  • Is it her way to deal with them?
  • The Formula she uses?
  • The Sentences she uses?
  • The Story she chooses to narrate?
  • A Character or a Narrator?
  • What are the Fundamental traits of a Narrator?
    • What makes her Unique?
  • What are the most Mundane traits of a Narrator?
    • What makes her Realistic?
  • What are the most Ridiculous traits of a Narrator?
    • What makes her Remarkable?
  • What are the most Unique habits you can think of?
    • Which Behavior create instant laughter?
    • Which Behavior create instant disgust?
    • Which Behavior create instant attraction?
  • How can you make a Character instantly likable?
    • How can you make a Character instantly unlikable?
  • Symbols
  • Which Hairstyle should the Narrator have?
  • Which Garment does she wear?
    • Does she enjoy wearing it?
  • Is she accompanied by an Animal?
    • Which kind?
  • Does she use Weapons?
    • Which kind?
    • On which occasions?
  • How do you use her Silhouette to make her Memorable?

If you want a more in-depth approach on Quirks.

Narrators’ Profiles

NarratorActorInterpreter ObserverForce
Strength 1SupportiveObjectiveKnowledgeableSteady
Strength 2EnticingAccurateFunnyGenerous
Weakness 1 AttachedRigidImmersivePresent
Weakness 2 VulnerableReflectiveGrandioseInfluential
Role 1EnticerSponsorSoulArbiter
Role 2SolverGuideBuilderAdvisor
Role 3RivalProtectorLeaderSupplier
Goal (Character)ExperienceUnderstandEntertainTest
Goal (Narrator)AccompanyRelateExposeInfluence



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