Why you need Relationships & how to display them

Why do you need relationships?
Are you sure I need them?
Considering, I need them…
How do I present them?
How do I articulate them?
How do I make them deep?
How do I involve the public?

Here’s why & how.

Relationships define characters

  • Clear relationships create clear sentences & images.
  • You will write Deeper Dialogues by using words specific to the characters, and to the relationship.
  • Words characters only use between each other.
  • The link between characters also Clarify descriptions.
  • Where are the characters? Meeting room.
  • Why are they here? Meeting.
  • The relationships gives Context.
  • It makes the writing more fluid & predictable for you.
  • It makes the reading smoother & more immersive for the public.
Interpersonal relationships & Relations to the Environment
  • This article deals mostly with Humans & Humanoid relationships.
  • The same rules may apply to Pets, Aliens & Settings treated as characters.
  • It all depends of the level of anthropomorphism you are using to create the character.
  • Treating a particular Setting a group member renforces the group’s attachement to the Setting.
  • In the same vein progressively humanizing an Alien entity integrates it into the humanoid conundrum.
  • Treating a building or a landscape as human may feel uncomfortable at 1st.
  • Therefore, it will enrich your writing skills & works.

Ending the Relationship

Relationships Start, Evolve & End.

  • Death
  • The most definitive, probably…
  • Murder, suicide, accident, and so on will end any relation.
  • In your world though, death may not be the end.
  • Separation
  • It can be as simple as the End of a contract.
  • The Revelation of the secret binding 2 characters will end the relationship.
  • It can also transform it into another type of attachment the characters have developed during the secrecy period.
  • Memory loss is another way to separate characters.
  • It could also be considered as a death of the character’s former self.
  • Transformation
  • If an ally becomes a friend the relationship doesn’t end per se.
  • However the link & level of involvement between 2+ characters has evolved.
  • The Ally link has been terminated by the Friend link.
  • The transformation can also be literal.
  • A human turning into a beast will ravage her former relationships and therefore decide or be forced to end them.
  • This particular case falls under the spectrum of Identity Death/Loss.

Types of relationships

2 Main Parameters will color the relationship:

  • The Level of Involvement
  • The Nature of the Establishment : Voluntary & Forced


  • Employee, Coworkers, Associates, Neighbors & other What-nots.
  • Any type of Commercial, Corporative or Employment related bonds fall into this category.
  • This is most of the time a forced relationship.
  • Often built for resources & financial reasons.
  • The level of involvement of the character is at its lowest.
  • This type of relationship is the most likely to create Resent, Disgust or Indifference.
  • This is also a playground to test your absurdities, as the relationship has the lowest level of involvement.
  • Deeper Dialogues
    • Topics : money, work, general news
  • Clearer descriptions
    • Settings : office, highway, working grounds/site


  • Sponsors, Mentors, Partners or Rivals.
  • Any type of Entrepreneurial, Educational or Developmental alliance fall into this category.
  • This kind of relationship develops the story the most, particularly in 2nd act chapters (ch. 4 to 6).
  • It sits between a voluntary & a forced relationship.
  • At least in the early stages.
  • It is up to your character to understand the advantages she will obtain from this bond and decide either to maintain, end or develop it further.
  • Often built for Developmental reasons & Growth.
  • The level of involvement of the character is moderate to high.
  • All depends of the evolution of the relationship you’ve decided.
  • Deeper Dialogues
    • Topics : Goals, Hobbies, Plan & Strategy, Input
  • Clearer descriptions
    • Settings : Company, Restaurant/Cafe, Park, Streets, Allies Home


  • Team members ought to be Friends for the team to perdure.
  • People who’s significant service have been granted to can also be counted as Friends.
  • Friends can be punctual encounters your characters come back to later in the story.
  • Marital contracts allows to publicize the nature of the Relation.
  • Marital does not mean in Love, it only means Legitimate & Public.
  • All mutually Desired & Nurtures relationships fall into this category.
  • This kind of relationship is used to refine & conclude character development.
  • It serves to define the character’s final Identity.
  • Only voluntary relationships.
  • This relation will evolve less than the ally relationship.
  • However it need more upkeep.
  • This relation can still break of the characters face a crisis.
  • Often built for Individuation & Belonging reasons.
  • The level of involvement of the character is (normally) at its highest.
  • Can it be developed further?
  • Deeper Dialogues
    • Topics : Mission, Passions, Projects, Group/Team, Family, Feelings
  • Clearer descriptions
    • Settings : Home/Lair, Restaurant/Cafe, Parks/Landmarks, Private Transportation, Bed


  • Friends or foes?
  • Family relationships may be unclear.
  • Therefore, exacerbating their nature to clarify them is fundamental.
  • More exaggeration, more contrast, more involvement.
  • Paradoxical families can also work for you.
  • A pair of siblings evolving from Animosity to Respect to Companionship is effective.
  • Antagonistic relationship where characters are forced to work together can be enjoyable.
  • Brother/Sister & other young collaterals, leads to 3 sub-types:
    • Nemesis
    • Intimacy
    • Indifference
  • Parents leads to 3 sub-types as well:
    • Servitude of the child
    • Sacrifice for the child
    • Separation, early in the story
  • Aunts, Uncles & Great-Parents?
  • In most cases they will be used as foster parents or parental figures.
  • In these cases, the same rules apply.
  • Deeper Dialogues
    • Topics : Family, Job, Projects, Feelings
  • Clearer descriptions
    • Settings : Home, Restaurant, Parks/Street/Market, Public/Private Transportation

Cults, Guilds, Army & Prison

  • Forced or Voluntary?
  • You character can be forced at 1st and then choose to create personal involvement.
  • Other people forced in this organization can become her associates.
    • Cellmates are obviously in a forced location.
    • However, free to them to develop alliances.
  • They can develop empathy.
  • They can share the Resent they feel.
  • They will share a Common goal as there are 2 main ways out of the organization : escape it or change it.
  • If the relation is established Voluntarily, the characters will share a Goal/Mission.
  • It may be Patriotism, it may be Nationalism.
  • Anything transcribing their Devotion to an Ideal, to a Valor will enhance this bond.
  • Your characters will need a Purpose :
    • Change a Country, change a Nation, change a World.
  • Deeper Dialogues
    • Topics : Symbol, Idol, Flag, Hatred, Devotion, Sacrifice, Betrayal?
  • Clearer descriptions
    • Settings : Court, Mansion, Temple, School, Palace, Landmark.



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