Why give your Characters a Handicap?

  • Why would you handicap your Characters?
  • All Characters have handicaps & disabilities.
  • Every Character begins with Issues & difficulties.
  • The question is how to make them memorable.

Summary – 5 steps to Immersion through Handicap

  1. Define a Scar branding the Character
  2. Develop her Identity through this Scar
  3. Make the Character evolve alongside her Handicap
  4. Let her become more Comfortable with it
  5. Let the Character sustainable relationships
  • Characters have Scars.
  • And these Scars never fully heal.
  • However, through the establishment of Relationships the Scars can be soothed.

Symbol & Pain

  • Identity
  • The Handicap is a part of the Character.
  • It confers her a Uniqueness.
  • They way the Handicap was brought onto the Characters is specific.
    • Even more so is the Handicap was a Choice.
  • This Specificity makes the Character memorable.
  • The Location in which the Character grew is Central to the definition of this Handicap.
  • And how it grew through the Character’s perception.
  • Origins
  • The Environment in which the Character was born define the value of her disability.
  • Through the Hardships it developed.
  • The pain experienced by the Character through her Childhood are defining.
  • They define the Character’s likeliness to form bonds.
  • The nature of these bonds.
  • And her propension to take care of herself.
  • Crisis
  • An Early Tension can break the Character.
  • Depending on your Genre & Frame, you’ll want to balance the Character’s Handicap.
  • As well as the way it was bestowed upon her.
  • In every situation The Handicap should confer the Character a sense of Resilience.
  • Define a Pain scale early.
  • And then present multiple Character having experienced a diversity of pains.

If you want to know more about displaying Pain.

Behavior & Function

  • Quirks & Behavior
  • Handicaps & Disability provide Immersion.
  • They make the Characters more Relatable.
  • Why?
  • Because Handicaps are construed as Weaknesses.
  • And Weaknesses make people Relatable.
  • Handicaps are Quirks.
  • Therefore they make Characters Memorable.
  • You can choose to present the handicap as a Strength.
  • The way to access an Essential Information.
  • Which would have been inaccessible otherwise.
  • In this Case, the Handicap is a tool to make the Character more Likeable.
  • Which Part has been lost?
  • Did the Character lose a Limb?
  • Or a Hand?
  • Her dominant Hand?
  • Did she lose a Feet or a Leg?
  • An Eye?
  • Organs have different value.
  • Depending on the Organ the Character may only be lightly handicapped.
  • Light disability have their own interest.
  • We’d recommend that you give every Character a damage or Injury.
  • So make use of light handicaps as they provide diversity.
  • If the Characters lost Internal parts the damage may not be immediately visible.
  • The Character may be Unable to eat.
  • Or Unable to exercise another bodily function.
  • Functionality & Prothesis
  • Depending on the part lost, the Character may need to relearn a Skill or Learn a new Skill.
  • If there’s a Possibility to Heal the injury it should be mentioned.
  • Same goes for the Possibility to Replace the missing part.
  • Handicaps & Disabilities are introduced to deepen the Story.
  • Not hinder the Team.
  • If the Character has the ability to heal/reduce her Handicap & choose not to, it should be explained as well.
  • The Character may prefer to use Equipment.
  • She may prefer to use a Prothesis.
  • As they could bestow onto her new Abilities.

If you want to know more about Behavior, Function & Diversity.

Character’s Evolution & Change

  • What’s considered a Handicap?
  • Your World will be diverse.
  • The different regions of this World will have different perceptions.
  • Some will only see the Effective Handicap.
  • Or, the Functional Disability.
  • Other will see it as an Omen.
  • Fear may accumulate in the mind if these inhabitants as they perceive the handicap as a Curse.
  • Tales & Beliefs alter the perception of handicaps & disabilities.
  • Resulting in a potential Ostracism from the people subjected to these tales.
  • Perception is Arbitrary.
  • The criteria used to define a Handicap should be Clear.
  • In a World where everyone suffers from the same condition, no one could be considered handicapped.
  • Shame & Isolation
  • Pain comes from Loneliness.
  • Shame is a form of Pain.
  • A Character can suffer more from a Stigma if she’s alone.
  • As the Character evolves her relationship with her handicap should soothe.
  • She should be more comfortable showing.
  • She should be able to talk about the injuries.
  • The Heaviness of the condition should alleviate.
  • You could also do the Opposite.
  • The Character suffering deeper as the Story advances.
  • As Pain is Individual the Character’s suffering evolves according to 2 main factors :
    • The Amount of Pain thrown on her
    • Her will to get rid of this Pain
  • Attachment to the Team
  • Belonging betters any Character.
  • Being Accepted transform a Character’s Life.
  • Friendship makes a Life Lighter.
  • And eventually makes her situation Lighter.
  • If the Character has no means of Communication.
  • If she speaks a Different Language.
  • Or comes from a Different Species, she may have difficulties to get closer to her newfound group.
  • Note that the Character’s Attachment becomes her new Flaw.
  • As this newfound happiness grows so does the risk of withdrawal if the Character get separated from her Group.

If you want to know more about Evolution & Change.

The Scar’s Identity

  • Will
  • Certain Handicaps become part of the Character.
  • These Handicaps will Scar her.
  • And these Scar will act for their Preservation.
  • The Scar’s Goal is to sustain in the Character.
  • To be seen as a Brand.
  • An undetachable part of he Individual.
  • Transforming the rest of the Body
  • The Scar will Proliferate.
  • Her Evolution in the Individual will alter the Character’s perspective :
    • Of her Environment
    • Of her Team
    • Of Herself
  • Coursing through the body, the Scar may attach herself to core organs.
  • Scars evolve in order to remain in the Character.
  • They can physically affect tissues.
  • Modify the Plasma’s composition.
  • And alter the Character’s needs & wants.
  • Parasitism & Symbiosis
  • The Scar can Power the Character.
  • It can give her Abilities.
  • Or modify her Behavior in a way the Character desired to.
    • It doesn’t mean that the new behavior is desirable as is.
  • As it Distorts the Character’s Identity the Scar merges with the Individual.
  • The 2 Entities feed onto one another.

If you want to know more about unique Quirks.



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