Facing a cyan lake at sunset.
But the Sun didn’t Set.
Girl:”What’s with that coat?
Isn’t it a little too big for you?”
Boy:”It’s cold over here.
It’s giving me goosebumps.”
Girl:”Did you need to see me?”
Boy:”Remember last time we were here?”
Girl:”Yes. I wonder where all the ducks went.”
Boy:”Are you standing comfortably?”
Girl:”That’s a weird thing to ask.
Standing is never comfortable.
My back doesn’t hurt anymore.
Do you think it’s their mating season?”
Boy:”I don’t remember ducks being here.”
Girl:”What do you mean?
We saw them swim & fly.
Only to dive again.”
Boy:”Diving ducks?”
Girl:”That was unusual.
But it was funny too.”
Boy:”Nobody swims in this lake.”
Girl:”No people in their good mind.
But I can’t tell why.
Or maybe it’s a chemical wastes?”
Boy:”Did you see the ducks fly?”
Girl:”I think so.
Why wouldn’t they?
Can’t duck fly?”
Boy:”Where they ducks?”
Girl:”What do you mean?
And why do you keep your hands into these pockets of yours?”
Boy:”Remember last time we were here?”