What kind of Reader are you?


  • Are you up for Fun?
  • Are you looking an Experience?
  • Is Amusement your goal?
  • Characters
  • Are you waiting for intense Reactions?
  • Anger?
  • Fear?
  • Excitement?
  • How will you react when your favorite character is in danger?
  • How will you react when she succeeds?
  • How will you react if she dies?
  • Environments
  • Are you enjoying Surprises?
  • Are you looking for Surprises?
  • Are you looking for Hidden objects?
  • Are you fond of Shiny objects?
  • Are you rushing to the next page?
  • To the next chapter?
  • To the next book?
  • Do you prefer Dialogues or Descriptions?
  • Favorites
  • Preferred Genres :
    • Action, Adventure, Comedy
  • Preferred Settings :
    • Western, Science-Fiction, Heroic Fantasy, Piracy


  • Are you following only the Main Storyline?
  • Is it the only useful part to Understand?
  • Do you try to reach the end as Soon as possible?
  • Does Straightforward mean Efficient to you?
  • Characters
  • Do you Isolate characters to understand them Faster?
  • Do you dissect them?
  • Do you identify their Strengths & Weaknesses easily?
  • Does it allow you to study them more easily?
  • Do you put aside 2ndary characters?
  • Do you estimate they are irrelevant?
  • Environments
  • Do you skip descriptions?
  • Do you Skim them?
  • Can you identify what’s Relevant?
  • What’s Irrelevant?
  • Do you draw maps?
  • Can you place the Main elements of a setting?
  • Do you Avidly search them?
  • Can you find Clues easily?
  • Favorites
  • Preferred Genres :
    • Action, Adventure, Horror
  • Preferred Settings :
    • Pulp/Epics, Western, Science-Fiction, Heroic/Dark Fantasy, War, Survival/Apocalyptic


  • Are you here to Travel?
  • Are you here to watch a Play?
  • Are you here to enjoy a Performance?
  • Are you here for Novelty?
  • Characters
  • How do you Watch the interactions?
  • How do you observe them?
  • What are you looking for in the characters?
  • Are you Looking for Ideals visions of oneself?
  • Are you Looking for Ideals visions of yourself?
  • Do you have Favorite characters?
  • Do you Understand some characters more easily?
  • Are there characters you Don’t want to understand?
  • Which ones are more Relatable?
  • Do you Suffer when your Ideal characters are taken down?
  • Environments
  • How do you experience the Journey?
  • What do you want to Explore most?
  • Where do you want to go?
  • Do you need change in every new chapter?
  • Which degree of variety do you need?
  • Are you Patient?
  • Are you Relaxed?
  • Are you enjoying the atmosphere?
  • Favorites
  • Preferred Genres :
    • Adventure, Horror, Drama
  • Preferred Settings :
    • Epics, Science-Fiction, Heroic/Dark Fantasy, War, Crime, Thriller


  • What is you definition of Coherence?
  • What is your definition of Consistency?
  • How do you define Causality?
  • Do you follow a deterministic pattern?
  • Do you admit multiple occurrences of a same phenomenon at a due time?
  • Characters
  • Do the Interrogations satisfy you?
  • Are you Skeptical?
  • Are they too inefficient?
  • Are they ill-conducted?
  • Are the question non-pertinent?
  • What questions should have been asked?
  • How would you interrogate this character?
  • What would you suggest her?
  • What is a Satisfying Answer for you?
  • How Complete should an Answer be?
  • Environments
  • How do you investigate?
  • How many lists do you have?
  • What are they for?
  • How many maps did you draw?
  • Which Clues are you looking for?
  • Are you looking for symbols?
  • Are you looking for carvings?
  • Are you looking for rhythms?
  • Which objects seem out of place?
  • How do you observe a Crisis?
  • When is a Crisis appropriate?
  • How should it be used?
  • Where would you place it?
  • Favorites
  • Preferred Genres :
    • Comedy, Horror
  • Preferred Settings :
    • Survival/Apocalypse, Science-Fiction, Alternative, Crime, Thriller, Mystery


  • Are you looking for Understanding?
  • Are you looking for Belonging?
  • For a place where the characters express their Gregariousness?
  • Personal stories
  • Do you feel frustrated because the author doesn’t develop the characters enough?
  • Do you want to dialogue with the characters?
  • In which situation?
  • Where would they feel comfortable?
  • Which topic would they like to discus?
  • What do you want to know about them?
  • Where would you go a trip together?
  • Which place would you like to Visit with them?
  • Which place would you like to Discover with them?
  • Would you like to see their Home?
  • Would you like to see their Hometown?
  • Relationships
  • Do you have a Relationships map?
  • Do you identify the main characters easily?
  • Do you identify the characters that ties the groups?
    • Do you identify Protectors?
    • Do you identify Suppliers?
    • Do you identify Advisors?
    • Do you identify Enticers?
  • Interdependencies & Growth
  • You understand characters are defined by their interdependencies.
  • You understand relationships define the character’s Evolution.
  • How they will behave when a Crisis occurs.
  • How they will behave when then need to rest.
  • In which place they feel Comfortable.
  • Their Relation to a specific setting.
  • Their reactions when they return to this setting.
  • The divergences in their behavior.
  • The eventual paradoxes & regressions.
  • Could you be a character?
  • How would you helps the characters?
  • Would they want you in their group?
    • Of course they would.
    • You can do anything.
  • Are you Generous?
  • Are you Benevolent?
  • Which character would have the most affinity with you?
  • Which character would need your help the most?
  • Favorites
  • Preferred Genres :
    • Drama, Horror, Comedy
  • Preferred Settings :
    • Fable & Legends, Fantasy, War, Crime, Thriller, Mystery


  • Impersonation.
  • Mimic.
  • Appropriation.
  • You are capable to become a copy of the characters.
  • Imitation
  • Do you know which actions they will perform?
  • Do you know which reaction will occur?
  • If you were faced with the same Issue at the Same moment, would you take a similar decision?
  • Are you in the Same place?
  • Can you act as a surrogate?
  • Anticipation
  • You know there are a limited number of possible interaction in a defined situation.
  • Habits form the characters.
  • And you have identified them.
  • Your posture is Situational.
  • You understand the value of context.
  • As well as how perception define the character’s behavior.
  • You could as well be writing the dialogues yourself.
  • Identity
  • Can you become the character?
  • You can anticipate their moves.
  • But actions are visible, they are observable.
  • You can guess the though process.
  • But do you identify each step of it?
  • Favorites
  • Preferred Genres :
    • None
  • Preferred Settings :
    • None

ForgettingEfficientSearchingClue heavyPersonalUtilitarian


