Tag: Writing Fast

  • How to Create 12 Characters fast?

    How to Create 12 Characters fast?

    The Goal of this Article is to allow you to Create 12 Character in 30′. To do so the essential features of these 12 Characters are predefined in a Completed table. If you want more flexibility, you can use the empty Template at the End of the article. Summary – 6 steps to create a…

  • How to write a book in a week?

    How to write a book in a week?

    Writing a Book in a Week requires 2 Factors : A Clear Plan. And 2-3 hours per day. Summary – Write a Book in a week in 4 steps Create a Character Group you want to Follow. Define why you want to Follow them. Define their End. Plan your Story. Create at least 3 Organizations 3 to 6…

  • How to beat Writer’s Block? Improve Faster

    How to beat Writer’s Block? Improve Faster

    How do you evolve fast? Produce different types of Content. Which kind of Content? Short Stories. Songs. Comic Strips. Summary – 6 Steps to Improve Faster Write more Short Stories. Try different Genres, Characters, Settings. Develop your Worlds. Interconnect your Worlds. Have a Repeatable Structure. Ask for Input. Ask for Implementable Procedures. Write Poems &…

  • How to become a Writer, faster?

    Summary – 6 Steps to beat Writer’s Block Write 5 to 10 pages a day. Try different Genres, Characters, Settings. Have a Side project. Interconnect your Worlds. Have a clear Structure. Learn Other Skills. Drawing & Painting 3D Modeling Animation Programing Musical Composition Volume & Velocity Process over Results. You have to create a habit…