Tag: Writing Fast

  • How to Edit efficiently, in 1 month?

    How to Edit efficiently, in 1 month?

    Editing is the final part of your Book’s production. Editing is a daunting task. Editing a Book in a month may seem even more daunting. Even so, the time limit may allow you to be more efficient & less likely to be bored by the process. Summary – 5 steps to editing a book in…

  • How to become an Artist Fast, as a Writer?

    How to become an Artist Fast, as a Writer?

    You’re a Writer. Maybe you’ve published some Stories already, or are about to. You’d want to make your own illustrations. Because you want to Share your Full Vision. You also want to be able to Draw fast. Here’s your Formula. Summary – 6 steps to becoming an Artist faster Apply this Routine every Day. Draw…

  • The Complete Improviser’s Toolbox

    The Complete Improviser’s Toolbox

    What do you need to be able to Improvise any Story? A set of Characters. A World. A set of Stories. How do you design them? Here’s how. Summary – The Toolbox’s content 6 to 12 Main Characters A Relationship Map 3 to 6 Main Environments A World Map A Set of 8 Story types…

  • How to Evolve faster as a Storyteller?

    How to Evolve faster as a Storyteller?

    How do you evolve fast? Identify your Main Weaknesses. Get better. And, in parallel, develop your Strengths. Experimentation must become an Habit. How so? Here’s a Process. Summary – 6 Steps to better Storytelling Write more Stories. End your Stories. Let your Worlds Unfold. Most of the Time, only hint. Have a Structure and then…

  • How to Beat Writer’s Block? Flow

    Identity Your Project defines your Identity A manifestation of You. Engage yourself. Keep engagement. Find entertaining Project. Define why they’re so entertaining for you. Make Growth Fun. Your 4 Words. Define in 4 Words your 4 main Interests. Be as specific as possible. It will help you to Focus through Crisis. Because you’ll always remember…