Tag: Write Today

  • How to Focus without Willpower?

    Engagement Pleasure, The greatest reward That’s your only objective. That’s what will Jumpstart the process. If you write for Pleasure, you will always return to the page. Write 4 Words 4 things you think about all the time. 4 things you’re absorbed by. What’s the 1st thing you think about in the morning? What’s the…

  • How to beat Writer’s Block? Start Today

    Do you want to write stories but don’t know how? Here’s a Simple Template for starting Writing short stories on a regular basis.

  • How to help people to become Storytellers?

    1st Assessment – What do they need? Skills What does she need to start Writing? Does she know about story structure? Does she know about building settings? Does she need more Experience? Does she need to learn Drawing? Does she need to play Music? Does she need 3D Modeling/Sculpting? Does she need to Program? Habits…

  • How to become a Writer, faster?

    Summary – 6 Steps to beat Writer’s Block Write 5 to 10 pages a day. Try different Genres, Characters, Settings. Have a Side project. Interconnect your Worlds. Have a clear Structure. Learn Other Skills. Drawing & Painting 3D Modeling Animation Programing Musical Composition Volume & Velocity Process over Results. You have to create a habit…

  • How to start Writing today?

    Start Small, Start Now 10 Rules to let the words Flow: Do Your Best, For Yourself. Focus on the Process. And People will come. Writing for Pleasure That’s your only objective. That’s what will Jumpstart the process. If you write for Pleasure, you will always return to the page. Write 4 Words 4 things you…