Tag: Team Building

  • How to Create Annoying Characters?

    How to Create Annoying Characters?

    An Annoying Character… What for? Why create an Annoying Character? Do you want to annoy the Public? To some extent. Very few of your Characters will be purely Annoying. Just as, very few of your Characters will be purely Enjoyable. Annoyance brings Diversity. Why do you need this type of Diversity? Annoyance reminds the Public…

  • How to Create a Supportive Character?

    How to Create a Supportive Character?

    Origins Where is she born? How does this environment influence her actual behavior? What was she lacking? What was her main concern? Where did she go to rest? Who raised her? Was she loved? What did she learn? From whom? Does she mention them? Are they still alive? Are they still accessible? Did she keep…

  • How to help your team take Initiatives?

    What do they want? What Truly Interest them? What do they tell you about? How many topics are they? How often do they speak to you about them? Who do they share their ambitions with? Why this person? What do they have in common? Are they interested by the same topic? What’s this topic? Do…

  • How to Create a Team? Shows & Podcasts

    Ideas & Preparation Free Expression? Short sessions allow to maintain focus. 15′ before each episode should be enough. What do each team member talks about the most? What do each team member enjoys the most about the program? Proposition of the Idea 2′ of explanation of the Idea 5″ silence 2′ of Questions Pass to…

  • How to create a Team? Totems

    Animals Character’s Behavior How do your characters behave? When it comes to food? When it comes to sex? When it comes to sleep? How do they react? Are they indifferent to any of these things? Are their reactions measured? How do they behave at night? How do they behave during the day? How averse to…