Tag: Storytelling

  • How to tell stories through Settings? Prisons

    Carried to the Prison How are you conduced to the Prison? In which type of Vehicle? How is it guarded? By how many people? What weapons do they have? Do they look like officers? Could they be bribed? Could they be threatened? Could they be killed? How long is the ride? At which distance were…

  • How to become a Happier Storyteller?

    A Side Project Have multiple Projects How much time do you have? How many things do you want to do? Factor these 2 together, and you’ve got your answer. Learn new Skills Have you thought about learning how to Draw? Have you thought about learning how to Play an Instrument? Have you thought about learning…

  • How to tell stories through Settings? Guiding

    How do you Guide the Public while leaving them a maximum of Freedom? You Define the Limits of your Settings You Place Objects of Interest in the Setting ? 1. Define the Limits Artificial Limits are movable (voluntarily), rigid & often controlled. Walls Control Posts Roads Fields Natural Limits also movable if an incident occurs,…

  • How to write a Monster? Dragon

    Internal dynamics Is there a Hierarchy? Is there an Interdependency? How aware are they of each other? Do they group in Consortiums? Do they organize Assemblies? Where do they live? Are they hidden? Are they behind certain species? Are they accessible but only through trials? Are they consulted? Relationships with other species At least of…

  • How to display Consequences? Crisis & Catastrophes

    Origin – Voluntary or Involuntary? If it was Involuntary: Who/What caused it? If it was an Natural phenomenon what is the cause? Did someone accelerated the happening of this phenomenon? Are there any Environmental Unbalances near the catastrophe’s site? Are there any new installations? What does it Mean for the future of the Area? On…