Tag: Settings

  • How to Write a Dinner Scene?

    The Event Partnership Is the Dinner organized to conclude a partnership? Who are the parties? What kind of project is about to be realized? What is the goal of the partnership? What stake does this dinner hold? Who’s Regarding this partnership as beneficial? Who’s opposed to the partnership? Who is still indecisive? Inauguration What’s is…

  • How to use Secret Codes?

    Character’s Identity Behavior Which kind of Character uses Secret code? Does it have to do with their Goal? Is the character naturally Discreet? Is she Secretive? Why would she want to hide certain parts of her identity? Relationships How many characters use the secret code? What are they hiding? Does the secret tie these character?…

  • How to tell a Story through Settings? Journey

    Where are you Traveling to? Where are You? Are you getting into a foreign land? Are you moving to a new formed settlement? Is it highly populated? Is it recluse? Why would you go there? Do you need some rest? Do you need to find someone? Are you looking for a unique object therein? Is…

  • How to Create Cultures? Governments

    System What system did this culture choose? When did this system came to be? Was it contested? Is it contested? By whom? Are there Secessions? Were there Secessions? Do people want to change of system? What unites people under the current system? What is the Regimen of this Culture? Are they a Monarchy? Are they…

  • How to create Cultures?

    Name What’s this Culture’s Name? What information does it give you? Location Origins Diversity Are there other names? In Foreign languages In the different languages of the Culture Do they have a nickname? What are the Origins of this species? What is this Culture’s natural environment? Daily Life Can you draw typical life scenes of…