Tag: Settings

  • How to Create a Setting? Horror

    How to Create a Setting? Horror

    How does Horror unfolds? Horror accumulates gradually in a closed Space. Independently of this Space’s scale. Horror saturates. And then Bursts. Summary – 6 steps to Horror Establish a Changing Atmosphere. Create a Place of Comfort. Place a Precious Object in this Place. Place a Threat. Let Brutality & Pain accumulate. In order to prepare…

  • How to Draw simple Maps?

    How to Draw simple Maps?

    Why draw Maps for your Stories? Maps bring visual information. They bring Clarity. They reveal the Complexity of your World. How to Draw them? By Balancing Clarity & Complexity. Summary – 6 steps to a simple Map Define the Limits of your Map. Place all the Fundamental Locations. Link all these Locations, or most of…

  • How to make a Setting Compelling?

    How to make a Setting Compelling?

    Every Setting has Peculiarities. Since Settings are intangible, it’s essential to materialize them. As much as it is essential to allow the Public & the Character to relate to them. Relatability creates Attraction. Summary – 5 steps to a Compelling Setting Present the Setting as a Character. Present the Environment. Present its Inhabitants. Present the…

  • How will your Character Act & React?

    How will your Character Act & React?

    Environment & Expectations Specificity Which Situations & Settings create Comfort? Which Situations & Settings create Discomfort? Which event would occur in which Location? Which Location is most adapted to birth a Crisis? Which Character find themselves in this Situation? Did they put themselves in this Situation? How were they put in this Situation? Were they…

  • How to write a Waiting Room?

    The Room The Waiting Room What does the Character need? Why is she in this Waiting Room? What’s the Use of this Room? What is the Character waiting for? Which Zones has she access to? Which Services do they propose? Atmosphere How are the Colors? Bright? Pastel? How do they affect the people in the…