Tag: Motivate Team

  • How to Create a Team? Shows & Podcasts

    Ideas & Preparation Free Expression? Short sessions allow to maintain focus. 15′ before each episode should be enough. What do each team member talks about the most? What do each team member enjoys the most about the program? Proposition of the Idea 2′ of explanation of the Idea 5″ silence 2′ of Questions Pass to…

  • How to create a Team? Totems

    Animals Character’s Behavior How do your characters behave? When it comes to food? When it comes to sex? When it comes to sleep? How do they react? Are they indifferent to any of these things? Are their reactions measured? How do they behave at night? How do they behave during the day? How averse to…

  • Encourage & Motivate People with Games – Part 1

    Do you enjoy reading? Watching movies? Playing games? Does it move you when a pen give birth to a forest? Are you fascinated by the creation process? Do you want to create emotions? Motivation & Enticement are developed by giving players Freedom. Freedom is given by limiting the number of Rules & constrains. Freedom allows…

  • How to Motivate your Team?

    We need more Storytellers, Game Designers, Graphic & Audio Artists who enjoy their Craft.This may not always be the case.This goes by training: more training, better results, more motivation.Therefore the reason is the lack of motivation.Why do Creators become disengaged? The Golden rule : Focused Experimentation Focus It is your Project, your Company, your Legacy,…