Tag: Improvisation

  • How to Improvise? Encounters

    How to Improvise? Encounters

    Every Story is a chain of Encounters. Discoveries & Crisis, punctuated by phases of Rest. Each Scene is an Encounter. How do you create surprising Encounters? Summary – 6 steps to memorable Encounters Define the Atmosphere Define the Issue Define the Stakes Define the Options Fight Negotiate Flee Define the Outcome Define the Aftermath Encounters…

  • How to Improvise a Scalable Game?

    How to Improvise a Scalable Game?

    You can Create a Game in a Day. And then Expand in a Week. Or in a Month, depending on your Attachment to this game. Scalability is all about your will to Develop your Game. All you need to provide in the 1st Day are the Essential Tools. Summary – 6 steps to a Scalable…

  • Improvisation for Storyteller – Playing Multiple Characters

    Improvisation for Storyteller – Playing Multiple Characters

    Characters are the foundation of your story. Creating them will be the most engaging task. So much so that an author may get trapped into the character creation’s process. Summary – How to play Multiple Characters? Create 6 Characters Give them Roles & Functions Give them converging Goals & Alignments Give them a Place to…

  • How to make Character Creation Fun?

    How to make Character Creation Fun?

    What are the Funniest ways to Create Characters? Favorite food Favorite Place Favorite Game Favorite Song/Movie Leisure/Passion Best Friend Animals Favorite food Ingredients What’s her Favorite Dish? What are the Ingredients? Where can they be found? Origins When does she prefer to eat it? When did she discover it? Who introduced her to it? Who…

  • How to Improvise? Diversity

    How to Improvise? Diversity

    How to Display Change? Diversity & Interaction Where do you draw your Inspirations from? What do we look for? What do we need to display? What do we want to display? How do you display Relativity? How your People interact? How your Environments interact? What makes them Unique? How do you display this Uniqueness? What…