Tag: How to make Games

  • How can you make a Game Today?

    How can you make a Game Today?

    Do you want to make a whole game in a single day?Is that possible?Why would you do that?How can you do that? Here’s a plan that’ll help you to create a whole game in a day. Core Rules 4 Main Themes What are the Fundamental Aspects of this Game? Why are they Fundamental? How will…

  • How to Improvise? Alternative narration

    What’s Alternative Narration? What does Alternative narration brings to a Story? Branched Options Do you feel like your Story is too Straightforward? Do you think it’s too Rigid? Are you hesitating to make certain choices? What’s the source of this Hesitation? Would you like to include more of your ideas in the same Story? Do…

  • How to Improvise a Game?

    Win Conditions End of the Story How does the game End? What should the Characters do? What are the Characters Goals? Which of them is most likely to reach it? How? Will it hinder the other Characters? Are their Goals incompatible? Are their Goals opposed? End of the Game What should Players do to Reach…

  • How to Test your Story/Game?

    Environment Atmosphere What are the main Colors of your Story/Game? Are they memorable? Are the different environments easily identifiable? Are they welcoming? Do they look hostile? Will your Story/Game have Multiple Environments? How fluid is the Transition between each of them? Does your Story/Game have a Hub? How is the Climate? How is the weather?…

  • How to create a Board Game? – The Easy Way

    Goal & Symbolism Finding Ideas. Make a list of the 10 things you want to Do in this Lifetime. Make a list of the 10 things you want to Learn in this Lifetime. Check that the 2 correlate. You’ve got 10 Game Concepts. Restart if you need more. The Symbol Design an Icon for your…