Tag: How to Improvise

  • How to Edit efficiently, in 1 month?

    How to Edit efficiently, in 1 month?

    Editing is the final part of your Book’s production. Editing is a daunting task. Editing a Book in a month may seem even more daunting. Even so, the time limit may allow you to be more efficient & less likely to be bored by the process. Summary – 5 steps to editing a book in…

  • How to write Supportive Characters? 6 Examples

    How to write Supportive Characters? 6 Examples

    Supportive Characters are meant to be Likeable. Likeable Characters are Helpful, Proficient & Supportive. Their Likeability factor makes them Memorable. Supportive Characters can be Main Characters or 2ndrary ones. Summary – 7 steps to a Supportive Character Define her Function in the Story. Define her Role, if she’s part of a Team. Decide of her…

  • The Easiest way to Improvise – Combine 2 Elements

    The Easiest way to Improvise – Combine 2 Elements

    How do you Improvise? Combine 2 Things. Which Things? Any Things. Summary – 4 steps to an easy Improvisation Pick a 1st Element Add a 2nd Element Define 3 Relationships between these 2 Elements Add another Element Improvisation is Visualization. Imagining the Object, Character or Environment you try to flesh out is the easiest way…

  • How to create a Backstory easily?

    How to create a Backstory easily?

    How do you create a Backstory easily? How do you create any Story easily? By Starting with the End. Summary – 5 steps to a Backstory Start with the End, or the Beginning of your actual Story. Define the Core Events of your Character’s early Story. Define the Characters she’s Interacted with. Define Issues she…

  • How to Improvise? Encounters

    How to Improvise? Encounters

    Every Story is a chain of Encounters. Discoveries & Crisis, punctuated by phases of Rest. Each Scene is an Encounter. How do you create surprising Encounters? Summary – 6 steps to memorable Encounters Define the Atmosphere Define the Issue Define the Stakes Define the Options Fight Negotiate Flee Define the Outcome Define the Aftermath Encounters…