Tag: Games

  • How to make a Game in a Month? User Interface

    Is the User Interface the Fundamental part of a Game?What makes it Fundamental?How do you make it the Core Feature of your Game? Make it: Simple Clear Enjoyable Customizable Simplicity Simplify the gameplay How do you access the Interface? Through which controls? Are there shortcuts? Which pages do they give you access to? Is it…

  • 13. Press Restart

    It’s stupid. Emma:”No. It’s easy.” P:”It’s not.” Emma:”It’s a Game.” P:”I can see that.” Emma:”It’s a Video game.” P:”I can really see that. With my eyes.” Emma:”I’ve played it since quite some time.” P:”Explaining why it’s easy. For you.” Emma:”Stop complaining. And do the things.” P:”What’s the use?” Emma:”It is made to learn.” P:”Is it?”…

  • How to make Character Creation Fun?

    How to make Character Creation Fun?

    What are the Funniest ways to Create Characters? Favorite food Favorite Place Favorite Game Favorite Song/Movie Leisure/Passion Best Friend Animals Favorite food Ingredients What’s her Favorite Dish? What are the Ingredients? Where can they be found? Origins When does she prefer to eat it? When did she discover it? Who introduced her to it? Who…

  • How to find Game Ideas?

    Do you want to make a Game but Lack of Ideas?Here are 5 ways to Find Ideas easily by using Core elements of your Game. List of Interests 10 words Can you make a list of 10 words? Of course, it’s easy. Can you make a list of the 10 things you prefer? Can you…

  • How to create a Team? Puzzles

    The Puzzle What’s its Form? Does it look like a Puzzle? Is it Obvious? Is it a Door? Is it a Wall? Is it a Ceiling? Is it a Box? Can you see a lock? What does the Sequence look like? What are the Materials Used? Which Technology is used? When was the Puzzle Built?…