Tag: Games

  • How to make an RPG? The Easy Way.

    How to make an RPG? The Easy Way.

    Do you want to offer your Public the greatest Experience? Do you want to Provide Fantasy to your Public? An Alien World? Memorable Characters & Environments? Here we go. Summary – 6 Elements to make an RPG Fun, Most RPG take themselves too seriously. Balance, Replayability & Customization options. Classes which deliver a sense of…

  • How to Improvise a Scalable Game?

    How to Improvise a Scalable Game?

    You can Create a Game in a Day. And then Expand in a Week. Or in a Month, depending on your Attachment to this game. Scalability is all about your will to Develop your Game. All you need to provide in the 1st Day are the Essential Tools. Summary – 6 steps to a Scalable…

  • How to make a more Fulfilling Game?

    Some Games miss Critical elements. But it is not always clear. What is missing? How do we feel that these Games are incomplete? They may be lacking Innovation. Summary – Which Elements are Missing? What are the Core Things the Games you played Lacked? That’s the most important Question, and you could summarize this whole…

  • How to make a Video Game in 1 hour?

    Can you make a Video Game in 1 hour? Surely not 1 as satisfying as you’d imagine. Or at least, not on the 1st run. But making a Game is a Game of its own. And this Game has the highest level of Replayability. Summary – How to make a Video Game in 1 Hour?…

  • How to Write Riddles?

    Purpose & Satisfaction Simple 1st Balance works through Progressiveness. Make the 1st Riddles easy. Or they may appear easy. Make the Riddles progressively more Complex. Each part of the Riddle must still be clear. How can you Simplify this Riddle while keeping the Interest? How can you Simplify this Riddle while keeping its Uniqueness? Coherence…