Tag: Game Design

  • How to make a Game in a Month? User Interface

    Is the User Interface the Fundamental part of a Game?What makes it Fundamental?How do you make it the Core Feature of your Game? Make it: Simple Clear Enjoyable Customizable Simplicity Simplify the gameplay How do you access the Interface? Through which controls? Are there shortcuts? Which pages do they give you access to? Is it…

  • How to find Game Ideas?

    Do you want to make a Game but Lack of Ideas?Here are 5 ways to Find Ideas easily by using Core elements of your Game. List of Interests 10 words Can you make a list of 10 words? Of course, it’s easy. Can you make a list of the 10 things you prefer? Can you…

  • Game narration – How to Prepare for a Game?

    You have your New Game ready.You have your Friends/Playtesters around you.You’re Enthusiast.You’re a little Dubious.You’re not sure to be properly Prepared.How will you need to get into the Game? Here’s how. You don’t have to do Everything You Only need the Core Rules If it is 1 of your 1st Playtest, you probably haven’t designed…

  • Game Narration – Types of Game Narrators

    The Arbiter Rules The Arbiter is Rule-oriented. Her Gameplay experience should be the more consistent as she sees the Game as a Game. What are the Core Rules of your Game? How are they Implemented? How are they Explained? How are they Displayed? How are the Characters regulated? How does Character Creation work? How do…

  • How to Improvise? Alternative narration

    What’s Alternative Narration? What does Alternative narration brings to a Story? Branched Options Do you feel like your Story is too Straightforward? Do you think it’s too Rigid? Are you hesitating to make certain choices? What’s the source of this Hesitation? Would you like to include more of your ideas in the same Story? Do…