Tag: Fun Character

  • How to create a Likeable Antagonist?

    How to create a Likeable Antagonist?

    Identity What makes her Unique? What is her Name? How does it relate to her Origins? What are her Origins? Who did she grow up with? What did she learn from these people? Did she enjoy her youth? Why did she quit the place she was born? How does her name transcribes her Goal? How…

  • How to create a Dog Character?

    How to create a Dog Character?

    Name Origins Where does this Dog come from? Who raised it? Did it raise itself? Did it have a family? An animal family? A human family? Where was it raised? How was this environment? Did it suit it? What did it lack of? Was it satisfied? Name Who gave it its name? Does it have…

  • How to Create Annoying Characters?

    How to Create Annoying Characters?

    An Annoying Character… What for? Why create an Annoying Character? Do you want to annoy the Public? To some extent. Very few of your Characters will be purely Annoying. Just as, very few of your Characters will be purely Enjoyable. Annoyance brings Diversity. Why do you need this type of Diversity? Annoyance reminds the Public…

  • How to write a Bard/Poet?

    Do you want to write a Storyteller?Do you want to write an explorer of the Myth?Do you want to tell Stories into Stories? Storyteller Creating Myths How Informed is the Bard? How does she get her information? How Curious is she? How does she display her Interest for Myth & Legends? How often does she…

  • How to Create Annoying Characters?

    Why would I do this? It’s funny. How would I do this? The Main rule is: If it happened in real life you would be Shocked. But in a Fiction, you would Burst. Goal – Annoy you The Goal of the Character should not be annoyance. But her Goal should make her annoying. She could…