Tag: Environemnts

  • How to Draw a Fictional Map? Geography

    How to Draw a Fictional Map? Geography

    Your Maps should look Coherent. The Position of each element should seem to be the product of multiple phenomena converging to the actual Structure. Synergy is Key. Summary – 6 steps to a Nice Geography You need Mundane locations. You need to set up Surprising locations. You’ll want to tell the Story of your World…

  • How to Draw simple Maps?

    How to Draw simple Maps?

    Why draw Maps for your Stories? Maps bring visual information. They bring Clarity. They reveal the Complexity of your World. How to Draw them? By Balancing Clarity & Complexity. Summary – 6 steps to a simple Map Define the Limits of your Map. Place all the Fundamental Locations. Link all these Locations, or most of…

  • How to Create more Diverse Environments?

    Environment often get overlooked. In most cases, they look underdeveloped or too similar. How would you depict Environments to diversify them? Summary – How to Create Diverse Environments? Define the essential Characteristics of an Environment. Alter them to Create Specificities. Do it 10 times. Compare the 10 Worlds you’ve created. For each of them ask…

  • How to make a Setting Compelling?

    How to make a Setting Compelling?

    Every Setting has Peculiarities. Since Settings are intangible, it’s essential to materialize them. As much as it is essential to allow the Public & the Character to relate to them. Relatability creates Attraction. Summary – 5 steps to a Compelling Setting Present the Setting as a Character. Present the Environment. Present its Inhabitants. Present the…

  • How to start Drawing today?

    How to start Drawing today?

    You are a Storyteller. You want to Share your Full Vision. Drawing will allow you become more versatile. To have more control on your final Product. Summary – 4 steps to start drawing today Define what you need to Draw. Draw 6 Character templates. Draw 6 Environment templates. Draw 10 Scenes templates. Creating these Template…