Tag: Dialogues

  • How to dialogue with your Characters?

    Who is your Character? You may define her Origins. But her Identity will unfold through the Story. Summary – 5 steps to Dialogue with your Characters Decide how much time you want to Consecrate to this Character. Review your Character’s Goals together. Relate her Goals to her Issues & Interests. Ask her how her Issues…

  • How to convey Character through Dialogue?

    Origins Family How warm is the character? How cold is she? What topics does she Discuss with her family members? Which family members? What topics does she Tackle with her family members? Which family members? Are these Topics of interest for the person she dialogue with? Does she care about this person’s interests? Friends Does…

  • How to write Dialogues? The easy way

    Mimic Life Outside – Observe How do other characters behave? How do they use their hands? Do they tap their fingers? Do they fidget? Does their chin protrude? Do they speak in 3s? Look for answers. Ask Questions. Inside – Play The Simplest way to design Dialogues is to play them. Who is here? Who…