Tag: Create Environment

  • How to start Drawing today?

    How to start Drawing today?

    You are a Storyteller. You want to Share your Full Vision. Drawing will allow you become more versatile. To have more control on your final Product. Summary – 4 steps to start drawing today Define what you need to Draw. Draw 6 Character templates. Draw 6 Environment templates. Draw 10 Scenes templates. Creating these Template…

  • How to Tell a Story through the Setting?

    Belonging to this World Stories are Anthropocentric & Self-Centric. The World will only be understood by your characters through the comprehension of their surroundings. Therefore, Integrating your Characters into the World is essential to telling Stories through Settings. Actions, consequences & Specificity. Why is your character in a specific space? What are they searching there?…

  • Should I create a World or use an Existing one?

    Try both. Ultimately, it is not possible to create a world from scratch, since you are always using what you know. And what you know is the ‘Real’ world. Try creating a world that resembles reality, & another one that would fit your ideal. Eventually the 2 will merge into a 3rd one. So, create…