Tag: Class

  • How to create Hybrid Characters?

    How to create Hybrid Characters?

    Hybrid classes & Multi-Classes 4 Main Attributes Which Attribute does your Character need? What are the Main Attributes shared by all Characters? Endurance/Constitution, Strength, Dexterity/Agility, Intelligence/Faith Are there other essential Attributes? Most other Attributes will be Class Specific. Balance Balancing these 4 attribute allows to create a Balanced Character. A Balanced Character is more Transversal.…

  • How to Write a Necromancer?

    Identity Focus What is her 1 Goal? What is her Obsession? Is she Despotic? What is she trying to Gather? How is she Gathering what she needs? What does she need these? How does she Concentrate? How is this Concentration occur? When is she Distracted? Sustainability What is her relationship to Power? Why does she…

  • How to write an Agent?

    Identity Calm How discrete is she? What is the reason for her Discreetness? Is she calm to preserve her Reputation? How much does her Appearance matter? Is she Aloof? Does she give the Illusion to be distant? Is she calm because she can distance herself from the issues? What is Relativism according to her? Can…

  • How to write a Mage?

    Identity Curious What does the Character do most of the Time? How often does she Experiment? How Imaginative is she? Does she daydream? Does she draw or paint her ideas? How does she define Possibilities? How does she define Probabilities? How does she place herself into her Environment? Playful What’s her view on the World?…

  • How to write a Rogue?

    Identity Cunning How does the Character behave while she is relaxed? How does the Character behave while she is tensed? How does the Character speak? How does she interact with people she appreciates? How does she interact with people she dislikes? What is she looking for in a due place? What attracts her interest? Fun…