Tag: Characters

  • How to create Monsters? 6 Examples

    How to create Monsters? 6 Examples

    Monsters are Strange. They tend to be represented as Horrifying. But they can be Anything. Monsters are the best way to create Diversity in your World. There’s a Diversity of Monsters to Develop & Implement. Most of them will fall within these 6 types: Funny Adorable Gorgeous Hideous Nefarious Horrifying Summary – 6 steps to…

  • How to create Antagonists? 5 Examples

    How to create Antagonists? 5 Examples

    Antagonists rhythm your Stories. If you can’t tell how your Story will end, start by creating your Antagonists. Antagonists create Issues & Crisis. They jumpstart the Story. As they rhythm the Story, you’ll need a Diversity of Antagonists. You can start with these 5 types: Likeable Gorgeous Hideous Annoying Nefarious Summary – 5 steps to…

  • The Complete Improviser’s Toolbox

    The Complete Improviser’s Toolbox

    What do you need to be able to Improvise any Story? A set of Characters. A World. A set of Stories. How do you design them? Here’s how. Summary – The Toolbox’s content 6 to 12 Main Characters A Relationship Map 3 to 6 Main Environments A World Map A Set of 8 Story types…

  • How to Design Unique Items?

    What makes an Item Unique? If an Item is enough to Characterize an Environment, a Culture, a Function or an Individual you may consider it Unique. Summary – How to Create Unique Items? Define its Origins. Define its Function. Define its Effects. Define who can become its User. If the Item is intended to be…

  • Improvisation for Storyteller – Playing Multiple Characters

    Improvisation for Storyteller – Playing Multiple Characters

    Characters are the foundation of your story. Creating them will be the most engaging task. So much so that an author may get trapped into the character creation’s process. Summary – How to play Multiple Characters? Create 6 Characters Give them Roles & Functions Give them converging Goals & Alignments Give them a Place to…