Tag: Character creation

  • How to Create 12 Characters fast?

    How to Create 12 Characters fast?

    The Goal of this Article is to allow you to Create 12 Character in 30′. To do so the essential features of these 12 Characters are predefined in a Completed table. If you want more flexibility, you can use the empty Template at the End of the article. Summary – 6 steps to create a…

  • How to start Drawing today?

    How to start Drawing today?

    You are a Storyteller. You want to Share your Full Vision. Drawing will allow you become more versatile. To have more control on your final Product. Summary – 4 steps to start drawing today Define what you need to Draw. Draw 6 Character templates. Draw 6 Environment templates. Draw 10 Scenes templates. Creating these Template…

  • How to make Character Creation Fun?

    How to make Character Creation Fun?

    What are the Funniest ways to Create Characters? Favorite food Favorite Place Favorite Game Favorite Song/Movie Leisure/Passion Best Friend Animals Favorite food Ingredients What’s her Favorite Dish? What are the Ingredients? Where can they be found? Origins When does she prefer to eat it? When did she discover it? Who introduced her to it? Who…

  • How to create a Likeable Antagonist?

    How to create a Likeable Antagonist?

    Identity What makes her Unique? What is her Name? How does it relate to her Origins? What are her Origins? Who did she grow up with? What did she learn from these people? Did she enjoy her youth? Why did she quit the place she was born? How does her name transcribes her Goal? How…

  • How to create a Dog Character?

    How to create a Dog Character?

    Name Origins Where does this Dog come from? Who raised it? Did it raise itself? Did it have a family? An animal family? A human family? Where was it raised? How was this environment? Did it suit it? What did it lack of? Was it satisfied? Name Who gave it its name? Does it have…