Tag: Antagonists

  • How to create a Hideous Antagonist?

    Disgust the Public Do you need this type of Character? Why would you want the Public to have a horrible time? Why would you want to integrate horrendous scenes to your stories? Do you know the Public’s limit? Do you know the Public’s trigger? You can easily interest people into delving in these topics if…

  • How to create a Gorgeous Antagonist?

    Is she a Villain? Is she a Nemesis? Here is a process to create your final antagonist. Your Antagonist doesn’t have to be antagonistic to the reader. Your Antagonist can be sympathetic to the reader. What if the Protagonist had the less desirable position through your story? Would you pass onto the Antagonist’s side? Most…

  • How to Create an Antagonist ? + 10 examples

    How to Create an Antagonist ? + 10 examples

    Do you want create a Villain, a henchman, a Nemesis? Your antagonist doesn’t have to be antagonistic to the reader. Only to the protagonist. The most popular antagonists are Antipodes of the protagonists. They don’t have to be Nefarious. They can even be admired by a multitude of Characters. Summary – 3 Steps to an…