Should you Kill Every Character?

  • Should you kill a Character?
  • Why?
  • Some Characters create issues.
  • It may be voluntary.
  • It may be accidental.
  • Either way, as the main rule, high stakes create stark consequences.
  • And in the aftermath a Character is going to blame another.
  • And in most cases she will want Retribution.

Summary – Should you kill Characters & How should they be killed?

  1. Make an Inventory of all Characters.
  2. Which Characters are most likely to create trouble?
  3. Whose Weakness or Behavior could cause harm to others?
  4. Will a Character be harmed because of their Behavior?
  5. How will the victim’s Relatives react?
  6. Will they take action towards the 1 they consider as the Perpetrator?
  7. Characters can be killed by another Character or by the Environment.
  8. The Choice is situational.
  9. In most cases you’ll want Death be a Product of the Context.
  • Now…
  • How do you do it?
  • How do you create this Context?

Who should Die?

  • Are you killing the Characters?
  • The Story feels better if the Characters were meant to die.
  • You are not Killing the Characters.
  • As a matter of fact, as the Writer, you’re not taking any decisions.
  • You’re just relating facts.
  • And these Facts could be an Asteroid destroying the Protagonists home town.
  • With the Protagonist still inside.
  • That’s a pretty short story.
  • But you can make it longer by introducing a lovely mechanism known as After-Life.
  • Basically, you’re not Killing any Characters.
  • The Story is.
  • A Character who should die & will
  • A Character has committed a Fault.
  • What is a Fault?
  • What is considered Malevolent in this World?
  • What is considered Stark in this World?
  • What is considered Devious?
  • If a Character commits a heinous act stakes are high for the Character to be executed.
  • This works even if your world does not include death penalty.
  • Vengeance can always be passed upon her.
  • If there are no vengeful Characters in your Story, there are other ways to make a Character disappear.
  • A Character who should die & will not
  • A Character has made a Mistake.
  • Should the Character have another chance?
  • What was the Mistake?
  • What did it cause?
  • How harsh were the Consequences?
  • If a Character harms another, however indirectly it may be, this other Character will want to harm them in return.
  • But, what if this other Character was particularly Stupid.
  • Or Coward.
  • Or simply didn’t have the skill to kill another.
  • It is likely that the 1 who caused harm wouldn’t die.
  • Unless…
  • An Accident happened.

If you want to know more about Consequences & Crisis.

Why & How would you kill them?

  • Why Kill a Character?
  • There is Meaning in Death.
  • Killing a Character, as destroying an Environment, is educational.
  • Creating meaning in 1 Character’s death give Information.
  • It may be a 2ndary Character, which dies to indicate a Danger.
    • It can be Threat, which wasn’t still identified.
    • It can be a Rupture in the Story.
    • It can be the introduction of a new Mechanism.
  • It may be a Parent who dies for the Child.
  • It may be any Character which dies by sacrificing herself, delivering a Strong message.
  • Death has to be meaningful.
  • And Death has to be Proportional.
  • Often a Main Character’s Death will be Memorable.
  • It may be Mundane, it is what the Story needs.
  • Natural Accident
  • Who should die in a Natural Accident?
  • What would be this Accident?
    • Is it a Catastrophe?
    • Which kind of Crisis did it cause?
  • Who is responsible for it?
    • Weren’t they aware of the risks?
    • Why couldn’t they act?
    • Why didn’t they act?
    • What information did they have?
  • On what Scale does that affect Nature?
    • Will it have Localized Consequences?
    • Could it cause more deaths?
  • Death comes from another Character
  • Was Death Accidental?
    • If it is it can be treated like a Natural Catastrophe.
    • Or it could be fully imputed to the Responsible.
    • Which calls for Retribution.
  • Accidental Homicide is not a simple case of Death.
    • It may be Purely Involuntary.
    • Or it may look Purely Involuntary.
    • In most cases it will need to be investigated.
    • In the same way as Murder by an external element should be investigated.
  • Revenge is a Chain Case.
    • Revenge murder will often call for more death.
    • It is particularly appropriate if the Victims have large groups of Relatives.
    • It helps develop the diversity of responses for each Character.
  • It can be a Suicide.
    • Remember that even in a Suicide case there can still be a Responsible.
    • And this Responsible can be tracked & killed by the Victim’s Relatives.

If you want to know more about How to Implement Deaths.


  • Who can Survive?
  • Who is more Individualistic?
  • Who has the ability to Survive?
  • Who has the skills to Survive?
  • Who has the will to Survive?
  • Who will sacrifice others in order to stay alive?
  • Who is more Animalistic in her relationships to others?
  • Who is more Aggressive?
  • Who is more Assertive?
  • Who is more Relentless?
  • Who should Survive?
  • Who is more Collectivist?
  • Who has a reason to Survive?
  • Who is necessary?
  • What is more Important : Survival or Happiness?
  • Who is Calm?
  • Who is Fun?
  • Who is Benevolent?
  • Who is more Human?
  • How do the Survivors recover?
  • Who was lost?
  • Which Character was lost?
  • Which Role will have to be replaced?
  • Can it be replaced?
  • Which Character is most affected?
  • Which Character is less affected?
  • How are the Characters’ lives change?
  • Were their Habits affected?
  • To which point?
  • What do they do to recover?

If you want to know more about Displaying Relationships.

Sequels & Continuing to Live

  • How is Life after a Loss?
  • What were the defining features of the Team?
  • Can the Team continue?
  • Do they wish to disband?
  • Do they wish to pursue?
  • Will they pursue the same Goal?
  • Will their Goal shift?
  • Will it become more Ambitious?
  • Will it become less Ambitious?
  • Attachment & Pain
  • What’s the Emblem of the Group?
  • How do the Characters develop a sense of Belonging in the Group?
  • What is their Mission?
  • What is their Slogan?
  • Which Services do they provide to each other?
  • How do they help each other?
  • Which Attentions do they grant to each other?
  • Which Games do they play together?
  • How can it Continue?
  • How can there be a Continuity?
  • New Encounters & Living a New Life
  • Which Character will be Replaced?
  • How should she be Replaced?
  • Why did the former character need to be replaced?
  • What are the Similarities between the 2 Characters?
  • What are the Differences between the 2 Characters?
  • How do their Behaviors compare?
  • Which specific Manners do they share?
  • When they are in difficulty how do they react?
  • Which Actions defines them?
  • Which Expressions define them?

If you want to know more about Sequels.



