- What are Classes?
- They are Classes
- Are they like Jobs?
- Mostly
- Can I use classes out of a Fantasy setting?
- Yes
- How do I adapt them to Science-Fiction?
- It rarely works…
- But you can use them as they are
- Here’s how to class your characters.
Character Classes & Hierarchies
- Class systems generally have 2 issues, they are Divisive & Unbalanced.
- Classes Divise characters, they create Hierarchies of usefulness & they induce a Rigid system.
Restoring Balance : Spells for Everyone
- Magic grants you a significant edge.
- Often spellcasters have access to more skill types than any other classes.
- They can deal heavy damages from afar.
- They can heal/resuscitate with use of objects.
- All classes need Spells.
- It is a simple matter of balance.
- Generally, you’ll want to use quick-fire spells.
- Except for certain ritual or invocations that will have the effect of a nuclear warhead, your spells should be fast.
- That’s a matter of tempo.
- A sword is fast, an arrow is fast, a fireball should be fast.
- All classes benefit from Spells.
- Magick allows unachievable tasks to be accomplished.
- Warriors can boost their weaponry.
- Rogue can make use of chameleon or lightweight magick.
An Inclusive & Transversal System
- A transversal system revolves around common attributes.
- Most commonly these will be Health/Vitality, Endurance, Agility/Dexterity & Intelligence.
- These main Attributes are used by all characters.
- The manipulation, the quantification, of their importance allows us to create specific classes.
- Hybrid Classes are the final stage of this transversal system.
- Transversality Improves team building.
- It Improves team synergy.
- The team can more easily compensate for each members’ weaknesses thanks to it.
- Do we need specialists?
- Your team needs specific skills, it doesn’t need specific classes.
Everybody’s got a home
- Then, do we need classes?
- Actually, even in system that have banned classes, classes persist.
- If you play a ‘no class’ game where you can be ‘anything you want’, classes persist.
- Classes system will always have their place because they grant us a sense of identity.
- They offer a sense of belonging.
- Much like Alignments do, or Archetypes, Guilds & Covenants, and your favorite weapon.
- It’s not only ours, but it is ours still.
- Class will always return.
- If your character begins as a Soldier, get destroyed by war and decide to become a Priest, returning to Crusader path will be tempting for her.
- If your character starts as a Barbarian, is scared by the vacuity of destruction and turns to the Druidic ways chances are she will defend nature quite Brutally.
- We all have a comfort zone.
- If you are willing to try different characters, you actually need to know where this home is planted, so that you can go for the antipode.
- You’re a Warrior, you want to become a Spellcaster…
- Maybe you’ll keep your axe, maybe you’ll be a Pyromancer.
- Maybe you want to change of weapon, and at the same time you wish you could remain the same person.
- If you ought to be an assassin and you only ever knew the way of the blade & the arrow, honing your skills in Alchemy & Illusion would only make your life easier.
- Assassins needs no particular weapons.
- They only need discretion & efficiency.
- Magick offers both of these.

- Common melee weapon types are Blades, Blunts & Archery.
- Bows, even if they are remote, are often wielded by melee warriors.
- The Melee bow differs from the Stealth Bow.
- Warriors & Barbarians
- Weapons & Spells
- 2-handed : Battleaxe, Warhammer, Great Swords, Gatling
- 1-handed : Axe, Mace & Hammer, Long Swords, Shotgun
- Spells : Berserk, Impulse, Stoicism, Steel Flesh, Grim Ritual, Remembrance
- Main Attributes : Endurance/Constitution & Strength.
- Soldiers & Military
- Weapons & Spells
- 2-handed : Halberd, Lance, Great Sword, Machine Gun, Assault Riffle
- 1-handed : Axe, Mace, Straight/Curved Sword, Bows, Guns & Pistols, Combat Knifes, Explosives
- Spells : Pledge, Reinforcements, Call to Arms, Steel Turtle, Submarine Tactics
- Main Attributes : Dexterity & Speed.
- Knights & Nobility
- Weapons & Spells
- 2-handed : Halberd, Great Sword, Riffle
- 1-handed : Mace, Straight/Curved Sword, Pistol
- Spells : Voice of the Tyrant, Allegiance, Graceful Onslaught, Humanity’s Arm, Heart of the Savior
- Main Attributes : Dexterity & Strength.

- Here we’re dealing with Offensive magicks & Arcanes.
- A Spellcaster knowledgeable in the ways of Alteration or Illusion can of course use some Healing spells.
- But the Restauration & Enhancement spells will be reserved to Pacifist classes in this article.
- Wizards & Magicians – Arcane Studies
- Weapons & Spells
- 2-handed : Staff, Wand, Pole arm, Riffle
- 1-handed : Dagger, Short Sword, Pistol
- Spells : Most of them
- Main Attributes : Intelligence & Willpower.
- Sorcerers & Witches – Blood Legacy
- Weapons & Spells
- 2-handed : Staff, Lance, Shotgun
- 1-handed : Short Sword, Axe, Whip, Gun
- Spells : Most Spells related to their Ancestor, their Cult, their Clan/Tribe or their Species
- Main Attributes : Vitality & Intelligence.
- Mages, Chancellors & Advisors
- Weapons & Spells
- 2-handed : Staff, Ensign
- 1-handed : Decree/Contract, Book, Ceremonial Sword/Dagger
- Spells : Power’s Edict, Compulsory call, Transcendance, Ponder the Soul, Deep Teachings
- Main Attributes : Intelligence, Wisdom & Eloquence/Charisma.

- Discretion is the main aim of Stealth type character.
- It can be achieved by being literally not visible or by hiding their intentions.
- Which is why merchants, bards or actors are sometimes classified as Stealth.
- Archery vs. Marksmanship
- One who practices archery generally cares about the focus, the skills required to properly practice the discipline.
- Marksmanship is much more utilitarian and focuses on the goal.
- Crossbows, which may be considered cheating by a true archer, are favored by efficient assassins & rogues
- Guns in the same manner offer consequent results
- Rogues & Thieves – Moderate Violence
- Weapons & Spells
- 2-handed : Bow, Crossbow, Assault Riffle
- 1-handed : Dagger, Mace/Axe, Straight/Curved Swords, Pistols
- Spells : Light Threat, Demise & Survival, Plundering, Steel Hands, Smell of Gold
- Main Attributes : Dexterity & Agility.
- Scouts & Spies – Speed first
- Weapons & Spells
- 2-handed : None
- 1-handed : Dagger, Short Sword, Pistol, Portable Crossbow, TMP & Uzi
- Spells : Green Blood, Wind’s Embrace, Discretion, Camouflage, Serpentine Tactics
- Main Attributes : Dexterity, Agility & Speed.
- Assassins – Death
- Weapons & Spells
- 2-handed : Lance, Bow, Crossbow, Assault Riffle, Sniper Riffle
- 1-handed : Dagger, Straight/Curved Swords, Small Shield, Pistol
- Spells : Purple Blood, Cold hands, Silent Calls, Crimson Milk, 2 Conditions, Too Late
- Main Attributes : Dexterity & Strength.

- When Conflict is avoidable, they will avoid it.
- Why choose the Peaceful path?
- Getting a new ally.
- Resolving a conflict that, otherwise, cannot be resolved by force.
- Possess complementary skills which will serve you as a Fighter, a Spellcaster or a Rogue, such as Alchemy or Restauration.
- Traders, Salesmen & Representatives
- Weapons & Spells
- 2-handed : Machine Gun
- 1-handed : Suitcase, Phone, Short Sword, Pistol
- Spells : Growth Charter, Customers 1st, Human Relationships, Red Forum, The Way of the People
- Main Attributes : Eloquence, Charisma & Wisdom.
- Crafter, Builders & Engineers
- Weapons & Spells
- 2-handed : Chains, Rifle
- 1-handed : Hammer/Mace, Swords, Wrenches, Gun
- Spells : Problem Solving, The Way of the Machine, Regular Upkeep, All the Keys, Wonderful Inertia
- Main Attributes : Dexterity & Charisma.
- Healers & Medics
- Weapons & Spells
- 2-handed : Healing Kit
- 1-handed : Syringes, Dagger, Short Sword, Pistol
- Spells : Pure Mantle, Autophagy, The Way of Life, Last Remedy, Selflessness, Hospitality
- Main Attributes : Dexterity & Wisdom.