Should I use an Alignment system? Yes

What are Alignments?
Are they like Classes?
Can I use Alignment in every Setting?
How do I combine Alignments & Classes?

Here’s how you may want to Align your characters.

The Traditional Alignment system

  • It revolves around 2 axes:
    • Good, Neutral & Evil
    • Chaos, Neutral & Order/Lawful
  • These 2 axes combined create 9 possible scenarios:
  • Lawful Good
    • Parangon/Exemplar
  • Neutral Good
    • Knight/Champion
  • Chaotic Good (close to Chaotic Neutral)
    • Hero/Revolutionary
  • Lawful Neutral
    • King/Arbiter
  • True Neutral
    • Mercenary/Leader
  • Chaotic Neutral (close to Chaotic Good)
    • Pirate/Anarchist
  • Lawful Evil
    • Dragon/Monolith
  • Neutral Evil
    • Fiend/Mask
  • Chaotic Evil
    • Jester/Beast
  • Each of these combinations can be used as an archetype.
  • They are an Effective & Straightforward way to create characters.
  • Though, the characters may lack of depth or diversity, it’s not hard to add a twist to the archetype by adding a special quirk.
  • Make an evil character more likable by showing her care for her partners/servants.
  • Make a good character less polished by showing her lack of temperance at mealtime or/& her laziness when she ought to do chores.

Do not create a Universal system

  • Alignments systems are dull because they dampen diversity?
  • Only if you design an Universal frame of reference.
  • Creating Layers of Complexity will create Diversity.
  • What is considered Good in 1 part of the world can be considered Evil in another.
  • You have at least 3 options when it comes to Potentially Undesirable acts:
  • 1/The treatment is effective or desirable.
  • 2/The treatment is ineffective or unacceptable or heinous.
  • 3/The treatment is flawed but is still use for there is no alternative.
  • 4/The treatment is legal or legitimate but has lapsed.
Potentially Undesirable acts:
  • Murder & Assassination can be construed as Potentially Desirable acts.
  • If a State Leader is threatening to unleash a new World War, most opposing powers, and even some allied powers, would unite to organize her assassination.
  • Killing for protecting the self or another is recognized as a legitimate mean of action.
  • On the opposite side, whatever system you are using, legitimating rape or sexual assaults is impossible.
  • Because the only outcome of these acts is self-satisfaction at the expense of another.
  • Self-satisfaction at the expense of another defines Ever Undesirable acts.
  • In 1 part of your world corporal punishment is accepted as part of a child’s education.
  • In another part people understood it was alienating to the child’s growth.
  • In a 3rd part the corporal punishment is not illegal, but it is not used either.
  • In 1 part of your world Death penalty will be considered effective.
  • In a 2nd part is considered unacceptable.
  • In a 3rd part people know it is a flawed system, especially in the case where innocent is incarcerated & then condemned.
    • Mistakes happen
    • But they have no alternative
    • So they use it
  • Death penalty is a great opportunity for you to create diversity in your worlds.
  • The system is inherently flawed, it cannot be seen pertinent anymore, mostly because of the numbers of cases to study, but its original & core intent was & is to protect society from dangerous individuals.
  • There are other cases of flawed or dangerous systems & treatments but this one is definitive.
  • And therefore, allows to create definitive consequences.

Relativism, Utilitarianism & Necessity

Chaos & Order?
  • Order is the Law.
  • It does not signify that the Law is made for Good.
  • Law is made to ensure Peace according to the Administration who has enacted it.
  • In most cases, Your Core Laws must be Legitimate.
  • They must embody Equity & Fairness.
  • Or there will be a revolution.
  • What’s Chaos?
  • Chaos is Choice.
  • The Choice to follow the Law or to deviate.
  • Deviations operate when the Law is considered inappropriate.
  • Chaotic character may commit crimes or they may follow the Law.
  • Which happens most of the time.
  • A Chaotic character react to an unfitting Law.
  • They challenge Principles, Traditions & Edicts accepted by the largest part of the population.
  • A Chaotic character act as she sees fit at the moment.
Good & Evil?
  • Is it Arbitrary?
  • Are there criteria to identify Good/Evil?
  • Good is selfless, Evil is selfish.
  • An Evil character will mostly satisfy herself.
  • She will act at the expenses of another in order to acquire resources.
  • A Good character will look for individuals to help.
  • She will follow her good intentions to evolve & male the world around her evolve in the same way.
  • Most of the time Good characters cares what others think.
  • Most of the time Evil characters do not care what others think.
  • Good is Hard, Evil is Easy.
  • Laziness, Gluttony, Lust are easy.
  • Evil is animalistic, it is natural.
  • It requires little to no effort.
  • Evil is essentially abandonment to one’s instincts.
  • It is thrilling.
  • It is Short-Term.
  • Evil creates Relish.
  • Temperance, Courage, Forgiveness are difficult.
  • Good is individuating, it is humanizing.
  • It requires effort, hardiness & consistency.
  • Good is Control.
  • It is taxing.
  • It is Long-Term.
  • Good creates Peace.
Neutrality is Necessity…
  • There is Good everywhere, there is Bad everywhere.
  • And there is Neutrality.
  • Neutrality is Indifferent.
  • They are not attracted by either following the Law or disrespecting the Law.
  • They do not look for Relish, nor do they look for Peace.
  • Order & Chaos are both the ways of the World, the Neutral character accepts it.
  • Neutrality is Utilitarian.
  • Neutral characters think of the Team’s best interest 1st.
  • They do not seek self-satisfaction.
  • They are not generous.
  • They attempt to be fair.
  • Neutrality is Balanced.
  • The Neutral character will question both Order & Chaos.
  • Her objective is Comprehension.
  • Pondering Layers of Complexity will create Understanding.

Alignments are like Classes – They show Individuality

  • Wherever, you wish to use them or not, you will use them.
  • You will create courageous & defiant characters.
  • You will create fun & serious characters.
  • Hesitating & Domineering.
  • You will create Humans.
  • Alignments offer to your characters a sense of belonging.
  • An identity.
  • A tag.
  • The freedom of choice of a character is only limited to the determinism she is subjected to.
  • You will use alignment.
  • So, if you think the traditional system is flawed, the best way out is to create a new one.

Alignment may not be as diversified as Class systems.
The solution?
Create a more complex Alignment system.

Redefined Alignments

  • Create a system that show a progressive evolution.
  • Create a system that shows people can change.
  • Evil or Chaos sound stigmatizing.
  • It may be more interesting to show how Good characters turn Evil (frustration).
  • Or how Lawful characters may get away from the Law or even oppose it frontally (again, frustration).
  • Here are 3 new axes that may replace the traditional ones:
  • Self/Others
  • Inner/Outer
  • Relatable/Alien
  • 3 Axes allows more complexe & progressive characterization.
  • From Order to Chaos
  • If a characters begins as Dogmatic she won’t become Obedient to others principles only to her own.
  • Progressively, she may realize Principles & Rules dominates us if we do not try to Understand them.
  • In the end, she may accept or reject the Principles, only after having questioned them.
  • The Chaos to Order Progression is the most permeable and allows a great permeability.
  • You can draw it as a Cycle:
  • Imperious, Dogmatic, Obedient, Principled, Decent, Selfless, Righteous, Independent, Ambitious, Universalist, Focused, Stimulated, Hedonistic, Achieving, Strong, Stable, Conform.
  • From Evil to Good
  • A Cruel individual can become Benevolent.
  • However, the amount of pain this character will have to go through is so intense it could as well develop her Cruelty even further.
  • Benevolence/Cruelty is the hardest progression to develop.
  • Another way to adapt the 2 axes would be to mix them.
  • There we add layers.
  • We adapt each layer to the next one.
  • We create Permeability, which allows characters to move.
  • It gives us 5 layers:
    • Law, Order & Peace
    • Pondering, Knowledge & Understanding
    • Satisfaction, Exploit & Dominance
    • Instinct, Impulse & Freedom
    • Synergy, Evolution & the World

Alignments, Context & Settings

Good Cities, Bad Cities – Clarity & Dullness
  • Create places for Courageous, Hard-working champions?
  • Create places for Cowardly, Lazy chumps?
  • Is that really possible?
  • Good people congregate to certain places.
  • Bad people are created by certain places, certain eras.
  • If your world is at war, characters have more chances to become Capricious or Utilitarian.
  • Creating shelters for Good characters & for Evil characters will divide your world.
  • It creates Clarity, the world is easily readable.
  • It creates Dullness, the world becomes less believable.
Order Settlement
  • Pure Order settlements may feel like autocracies.
  • When in reality all that is wanted is order.
  • But again, Order does not mean good.
  • You may find yourself sleeping into the arms of a dictatorship.
  • Order Settlements would be less interesting to explore than Chaos settlement, because they are more typical.
  • They are real world settlements in most cases.
  • They are well known & easy to integrate into your worlds.
Chaos Settlements?
  • Would they work?
  • Is society possible if there are no rules?
  • Because if everybody is free to enact their will without repercussion that’s a rule…
  • Classic.
  • Pure Chaos settlement would probably not work at all.
  • Because if it is purely chaotic then there is no boundaries to the Organization, to the Territory, or to the Members.
  • Who’s part of the Settlement?
    • People come & go as they please…
  • Where is the Settlement?
    • Where does it begin?
    • Where does it end?
  • What’s the core value of the Settlement?
  • It would be no duress & no limits, but that’s not a real rule.
  • “No rules” can never be a true rule, because it’s not compulsory.
  • Moderate Chaos Settlements would be the most interesting Environments to explore, both in Game-play & Narrative.
  • They may seem unreal, they may seem impossible.
  • They are the theater of constant Crisis & Dissension while maintaining a fraction of Order.
  • They offer the Tension & Diversity that most stories need.
Neutrality would win
  • Neutral Settlements will probably be the largest in a world that is regarded as realistic.
  • Neutral prevails mostly because humans love to have more choices available.
  • Choosing between a selfless act, a selfish act, a legal act, an illegal act allows you to adapt your decision to the context.
  • Is your character confronted to a difficult choice?
    • Neutral Cities allow more lenience
    • If you’re not caught, you’re not done
  • Neutral Administrations are preoccupied by the numbers.
  • Contentment of the majority.
  • So, it would need core rules.
  • Few rules.
  • They understand how Freedom is important for the citizen.
  • How Neutral Cities are born?
  • Good cities thrive.
  • In Good cities everyone is productive & self-sufficient.
  • Evil cities struggle.
  • In Evil cities everyone is productive, when it comes to Exploit others.
  • Good cities are Stable.
  • Evil cities are Unstable.
  • Good cities attract & welcomes all.
  • Evil cities repulse, until…
  • Evil people come to Good cities.
  • Evil people won’t become Good people.
  • And Good cities won’t become Evil cities.
  • It is the rise of Neutrality.



