Should I create a World or use an Existing one?

  • Try both.
  • Ultimately, it is not possible to create a world from scratch, since you are always using what you know.
  • And what you know is the ‘Real’ world.
  • Try creating a world that resembles reality, & another one that would fit your ideal.
  • Eventually the 2 will merge into a 3rd one.
  • So, create 3 worlds.

Realism is not the End-Goal

  • Wherever you are Writing or Drawing/Sculpting/Modeling you want to find a balance between Realism & ‘Appealism’.
  • The Characters & Environments you will depicts will be Fictional.
  • Real-world Dialogues aren’t appealing.
  • Clean them.
  • The Characters will understand each other, to the point they will be able to finish each other’s phrase at time.
  • That’s not realistic.
  • That’s Aesthetic.
  • Almost always choose Beauty over Real.
  • That’s what the public needs to be engaged.

A world that resembles Reality

  • Real or Ideal?
  • Either way you will have to document yourself.
  • If you want to create a believable atmosphere you need to know about Thermodynamics, but also Climatology, basic Zoology & Botanic…
  • In the best case scenario, you’ll need at least 4 types of textbooks: Economy, Psychology, Ecology & Physics.
  • Lend 1 of each at your local library & learn the basics.
  • Once you’ve got this you can world-build comfortably.
  • If you don’t want to read textbooks & encyclopedia, at least in the beginning, you’ll need some basic elements.
  • What are they?
  • What is essential to this World?
  • If you are designing a settlement:
  • Who are the People?
    • What are their main rules & preoccupations?
    • What is their daily life like?
  • Who is in charge of the settlement?
    • Who is the leader?
    • Is she leading alone or as part of an assembly?
    • Is she benevolent to her people only or also to foreigners?
    • Is she gregarious or recluse?
  • How is the City/Town/Village?
    • What’s her resources?
    • What’s her origins?
    • What’s her landmarks?
  • What are the Relationships between the different settlements?
    • Faith-related
    • Commerce & Trade-related
    • Security & Military-Related
  • What are the main Organizations?
    • Faith-related
    • Commerce & Trade-related
    • Security & Military-Related
  • How is the education system?
    • Is it open?
    • Does it favor specialists or generalists?
    • Are there trainings included?
    • What’s the family model?
  • If you are designing an environment:
  • What is Nature?
    • How is it defined?
    • What are the core elements of this world?
    • What types of landmarks/landscapes are there?
  • How does Space-Time impacts nature?
    • How is the day-night cycle?
    • What is the effect of light on animals & plants?
  • How is the Atmosphere?
    • Climate & Weather
    • Temperature & States of matter
    • Water cycle
  • How is the Wildlife?
    • Prey-Predator relationships
    • Relationship to Humans
    • Pets & Feral

1 last thing, if you want to make a ‘Real’ World read Non-Fiction.

Your Ideal world

  • Now you’ve got knowledge of the ‘Real’ world you can think about improving things.
  • Look for research papers on improvement on a specific domain, like hunger or famine, & futuristic technologies that will help solve it.
  • If you are designing a settlement:
  • Who are the People?
    • Write down a set of 10 rules
    • They will be the foundation of your world
    • What is your ideal daily life like?
  • Who is in charge of the settlement?
    • How would you rule?
    • Alone or as part of an assembly?
    • Are you managing people or would you delegate this to someone else?
    • Would you act as a chairperson?
    • Is your world open?
    • Or do you live in Autarky?
    • Are you often outside & available?
  • How is the City/Town/Village?
    • What’s her resources?
    • What’s her origins?
    • What’s her landmarks?
  • What are the Relationships between the different settlements?
    • Faith-related
    • Commerce & Trade-related
    • Security & Military-Related
  • What are the main Organizations?
    • Faith-related
    • Commerce & Trade-related
    • Security & Military-Related
  • How is the education system?
    • Do you need a formal education system?
    • Do you favor specialists or generalists?
    • How do people learn?
    • What’s the family model?
  • If you are designing an environment:
  • What is Nature?
    • Do you have a round planet, a cubical, cylindrical or a flat one?
    • What are the core elements of this world?
    • What types of landmarks/landscapes are there?
  • How does Space-Time impacts nature?
    • How long are your days/week/months/years?
    • Do you use this system at all?
    • Does your world use Euclidean geometry?
    • What is the effect of light on animals & plants?
  • How is the Atmosphere?
    • Does your world have unusual elements, other than the basic 4?
    • Climate & Weather
    • Temperature & States of matter
    • Water cycle
  • How is the Wildlife?
    • Is there a major threat coming from the animal world?
    • Is there a major threat for the animal world?
    • Prey-Predator relationships
    • Relationship to Humans
    • Pets & Feral

Mix the 2 & transition

What matters is consistency.
Tap into the ‘Real’ world as much as you need to support your point.

  • What makes your People appealing?
    • Why would someone spend time with them?
  • What kind of Relationships makes these people unique?
    • How do they overlap with the World’s evolution?
  • Why would someone join 1 of your Organizations?
    • What are the advantages?
  • How will you redefine Nature?
    • How do you define Inertia?
    • How do you define Life?
    • How do you define Evolution?
  • Will you use Space-Time at all?
    • Does your Planet rotate?
  • What type of unusual elements are there in your Atmosphere?
    • Never-changing climate
    • Fixed temperature
  • How is you exogenous Wildlife?
    • Are there alien species?
    • Are they humanoids?
    • How are they considered/treated?

Summarize your thoughts

Finances & Trade
Climate & Weather


