Lists you need while writing

  • Are you blocked?
  • Are you anxious?
  • Do you want to write faster?
  • More confidently?
  • Do you want to improvise more but don’t know how to?
  • Here’s how to.

The Story’s summary

  • The Story’s summary will allow you to keep maximum flexibility while ensuring a clean structure & consistency.
  • You’ll need 10 chapters.
  • Chapters 1 to 3, allow you to present the world, the characters & the Issue through a 1st crisis.
  • Chapters 4 to 6, elevate the story to a
  • Chapters 7 to 9, bring the story to a 3rd crisis, resolving the Issue.
  • Chapter 10, the epilogue, closes the story & ensure a transition to new stage.
  • The character’s Goal & the main Issue of the story is summarized in 1 sentence/paragraph.
  • The thing the characters should protect/save is indicated here.
    • Person
    • Environment/Setting/Building
    • Idea/Valor/Symbol

Characters list & Relationship map

  • Your story will comprise 3 to 24 characters:
    • 3 for up to 100 pages
    • 4 for up to 200 pages
    • 6 for up to 500 pages
    • 12 for 500-1000 pages
    • 24 for 1000+ pages
  • All your Main & 2ndary characters need:
    • 2 strengths
    • 2 weaknesses
    • 1 Goal
    • Quirks
  • Your Tertiary characters need:
    • 1 strength
    • 1 weakness
    • 1 Goal
    • Quirks
  • You’ll need 4 type of Relationships.
  • Friends, the characters are linked by choice.
    • Long term link
    • Space unlimited, wherever they meet they’ll be friends
  • Allies, the characters are linked by necessity.
    • Short term link
    • Space specific
  • Adversaries, the characters oppose each other on a specific event/series of events.
    • Short term link
    • Space specific
  • Foes, the characters oppose each other on a core value.
    • Long term link
    • Space unlimited, wherever they meet they’ll be foes

For short stories (50 to 100 pages), Friends & Foes are sufficient.

Settings/Environment list

  • What is the Atmosphere?
    • Climate
    • Space-Time
    • Wildlife
  • What is its Usefulness in Story?
    • Will it bear a Crisis?
    • Will be a place of Comfort?
    • Any setting can act as both
  • What’s its Function in the World?
    • Does is act as Defense?
    • Are their special Resources in it?
    • Does it serve as a Trade post/hub?
  • Who are the Inhabitants/Personnel?
    • Nobility/Royalty/Administration/Présidence/Chair
    • Managers/HR/Chamberlain/Steward
    • Educators/Advisors/Mages/Clergy/Judges
    • Security/Military/Knighthood/Heraldry/Sheriff
    • Craftsmen/Cooks/Entertainers/Minstrels/Actors
    • Servants/Maids/Assistants/Grooms
Settings/Environment Maps
  • Drawing a top down map of the setting will allow you to review changes & modifications.
  • You can keep track of where your characters are.
    • What they are doing
    • Where they are going
    • Where should you put traps/fights/enigmas/puzzles
    • Where to place Friendly Encounters
  • Keep track of the Building/structure modifications
    • Destructions Partial & Total
    • Growth & new elements
    • Structure changes that would not affect the structure’s size & position
  • You’ll need different scales of maps.
    • Room
    • Building
    • Settlement
    • Region
    • Continent

Alternatives List

If you ever change your mind at any point, here’s an easy way to do it.

  • What are the main events of your story?
  • What are your 3 crisis (Ch. 3,6,9)?
  • What if you character…
    • Kill/doesn’t kill this antagonist?
    • Steal/leave in place this key item?
    • Keep/donate this key item?
    • Gets captured/escapes from this location?
    • Witnesses this crime/misses this crime?
  • List all possible Consequences
    • On the character/Protagonist
    • On the Antagonists
    • On the Supports of both sides
    • On the different settings, if any
    • On the next chapter
    • On the Ending
  • Alternative are especially useful if:
    • You need additional/different elements
    • It normalizes an over/underestimated situation
    • Allows you to improvise

The Public’s Reactions List

What will they feel?

  • Excitement
  • Joy
  • Anger
  • Sadness
  • Fear
  • Disgust
  • Boredom
  • What are the effects of the scene/chapters on you?
    • Are you slowing down?
    • Are you rushed?
    • Are you feeling any of the aforementioned emotions?
  • Your emotions will not be a direct mirror of what the public will feel.
  • But they will give you the right orientation.
  • Ask for feedback from your Co-writers & team members.
    • Are they engaged?
    • Are they disengaged?
    • Are they disengaged because they don’t like horror?
    • Or are they disengaged because they don’t like your input on the horror genre?


