How will your Character Act & React?

Environment & Expectations

  • Specificity
  • Which Situations & Settings create Comfort?
  • Which Situations & Settings create Discomfort?
  • Which event would occur in which Location?
  • Which Location is most adapted to birth a Crisis?
  • Which Character find themselves in this Situation?
  • Did they put themselves in this Situation?
  • How were they put in this Situation?
    • Were they forced?
    • Was it initially voluntary?
  • How will the Character Act & React?
    • In situations of Comfort.
    • In situations of Crisis.
    • How will they Act?
    • How will they React?
  • Creating Expectations
  • How is the Setting like?
  • What’s its Function?
  • What are its Resources?
  • Who frequents it?
  • Which Event could Occur there?
  • Which Event is supposed to Occur?
  • Which Event is supposed never to Occur?
  • How Would it impact the Environment?
  • What is the Character’s Initial perception of this Environment?
  • What is the Character’s Initial perception of its Inhabitants?
  • What is the Character’s Initial perception of the other Characters present?
  • Which new piece of Information would your Perception of a Character?
  • Which new piece of Information would your Perception of a Setting?

Habitual Behavior

  • Habits & Expectations
  • Habits allow to identify a Character’s Usual Behavior.
  • Routines are a succession of Habits.
  • Routines provide consistency.
  • They define a Frame.
  • It is easier to write Character actions & interactions through a Frame.
  • Frames makes the Actions & Reactions contextual.
  • They create Behavioural Expectations.
  • What Profession does she occupy?
  • Why?
  • Did she expect some form of Satisfaction out of it?
  • Did she find this Satisfaction?
  • Which Difficulties does she have practicing it?
  • Which Obligations does she have?
  • Does she do it for Survival?
  • Does it threaten her Survival?
  • Does she do to ensure her Subsistence?
    • Does she do it for Food?
    • Does she do it for Protection?
  • What is her Function in the Story?
  • To which characters is she linked?
  • How does she assist them?
  • How does she hinder them?
  • How often is she with them?
  • How does she Act to Their presence?
  • How do they React to her presence?
  • Which Deviations to the Character’s usual Behavior will they induce?
  • How do these relationships change the Character?
    • On the moment.
    • In the long term.


  • Goal & Choices
  • How does your ideal person act?
  • Who is your Character?
  • Who does she want to be?
  • Who does she want to be with?
  • What do these persons want?
  • Which relationships does she want to have with them?
  • Why can’t they reach their goal?
  • Can she help them to achieve their goals?
  • Alliances
  • Who composes your Character’s Team?
  • Does she have a team?
  • What do they want to achieve together?
  • What do they want to achieve individually?
  • Who opposes them?
  • How do they relate to each other?
  • Do they look like each other?
  • Are they another version of each other?
  • Is that why they oppose each other?
  • Are their visions Antipodal?
  • Destination
  • What do your Character & her Team want to do?
  • How will they attain this Objective?
  • What do they refuse to do?
  • What are 3 things they would never do?
  • How will this hinder them?
  • How do they react in times of Crisis?
  • When they are Angry?
  • When they are Afraid?
  • When they are Sad?
  • When they are Excited?
  • What will they do to stay together?
  • Reaction to one’s origins
  • How does your Character see her origins?
  • Does she try to move Away from them?
  • How does it translate?
  • Is she Proud of them?
  • How does she display this Pride?


  • A Place of Comfort
  • How does your ideal Location looks like?
  • Where is it?
  • When do you get there?
  • Who will be present?
  • Can you reach it?
  • Why can’t you reach it?
  • Which sort of Encounters would occur therein?
  • Peaceful Encounters?
  • How do you imagine these Encounters?
  • On which Relationships would they lead to?
  • How do you imagine Comfortable relationships?
  • How do you imagine Soothing relationships?
  • Who would represent these kind of relationship?
  • How would these Characters be?
  • What does she do?
  • How would they convey Enjoyment?
  • How would they Entertain you?
  • Neutral situation?
  • Is there such a thing as a Neutral Situation?
  • Aren’t all Situations either Comfortable or Uncomfortable?
  • Can you create a Neutral Situation?
  • Where would it occur?
  • Who would be there?
  • What would the Character do?
  • Which sort of Issue would occur?
  • Would it be a Mild Issue?
  • Something Mundane.
  • Which brings a Relative Discomfort.
  • There would be no enjoyment & no hate.
  • A Neutral situation wouldn’t convey a Strong Reaction.
  • Only Weak emotions.
  • The Character would display little involvement in this type of situation.
  • Voluntary Discomfort
  • Why does the Character Adventure herself in the Unknown?
  • Why is she looking for Difficulty?
  • What does she want to Change?
  • Does she look for Enhancement?
  • Doe she want to Grow?
  • Does she want to Develop her Skills?
  • How does she Develop Resilience?


  • Where does the Crisis Occur?
  • Why does it Happen?
  • How does it Happen?
  • Which Issue occurs?
  • Who is involved?
  • Who is responsible for it?
  • What did she do?
  • What are the sources of Danger?
  • Which Crisis should the Character Face?
  • How can the Issue be solved?
  • What should it lead to?
  • What does it lead to?
  • Which New Event occurs?
  • Which New Environment is Discovered?
  • Which New Character is Introduced?
  • Unusual Encounters
  • What does a Typical Encounter look like?
  • You can use Typical Encounter to create a sense of Familiarity.
  • Then break this Familiarity with an Unusual Encounter.
  • What makes an Encounter Unusual?
  • Is it the Appearance?
  • Is it the Behavior?
  • What makes a Creature Unusual?
  • Is it Speaking while it shouldn’t?
  • Is it Aggressive when it usually is Peaceful?
  • How Unusual does it Look?
  • Does it look Paradoxical?
  • Which Paradoxes can you Create?
  • What Triggers the Character?
  • Which words trigger her?
  • Whose words?
  • In which Context?
  • Which Actions?
  • How intensely does she react?
  • When does she allow herself to express this reaction?
  • What comes out of her Rage?
  • What will she do?
  • What damages will she cause?
  • Crucial Choices
  • When does the Character act in an irreversible way?
  • What does she do?
  • How do Other Character’s react?
  • What would be the Aftermaths of such an act?
  • Which Repercussions would it have?
  • Would it provoke Alignments Changes?
  • After the event occurs:
    • Which People would it Attract to the Character?
    • Who would abandon the Character?



