How will Drawing help you to become a Writer?

  • How will Drawing help you Write better?
  • How to learn the Basics?
    • In a week?
    • In a month?
  • What are the Basics?
  • What do you need to know in order to Write better?


  • Clarity
  • Represent objects with clear Colors.
  • Represent objects with simple Forms.
  • A proper drawing, aim to be comprehensible.
  • Each part should be identifiable.
  • Aim for Contrast.
  • Components
  • Which Features define your World?
  • What do you need to Draw?
  • Which References will you Use?
  • Creatures
  • Which Kind of People inhabit your World?
  • Which Kind of Animals?
  • Which Kind of Plants?
  • How do you Represent them?
  • Icons
  • Which Symbols do you use?
  • Which Iconography do you use?
  • Which Forms do you use?
  • Which Shapes do you use?


  • Developing your Ideas
  • Keeping a Notebook by your Side is the easiest way to develop your Ideas.
  • It may also be the most enjoyable too.
  • The Notebook can welcome your Sketches, your handwritten texts, your notes.
  • You can comment your Drawings.
  • Maybe you’ll even want to use them as Illustrations for your Book.
  • It helps developing the Basic design for your cover.
  • Drawing will make your designs better.
  • Especially if you keep them simple.
  • Clearer Scenes
  • How should a Scene be Written?
  • How should a Scene be Drawn?
  • Are these 2 questions different?
  • To get a Clearer picture you must imagine it.
  • How do you picture the Setting?
  • How do you picture the Characters?
  • How should the Character position themselves?
  • Which Position should they adopt?
  • How is it Displayed?
  • Through which Expressions?
  • Through which Gestures?
  • Drawing will make your descriptions clearer.
  • And your dialogues more dynamic.
  • Taking a Break
  • Do you need to pause?
  • Would you Rest by Drawing?
  • Free hand drawing would help your mind unfold.
  • How so?
  • Just by Drawing.
  • What are you Drawing?
  • A simple image.
  • Does it have anything to do with your Story?
  • It doesn’t have to.
  • You could integrate it later.
  • There are no results requirements here.


  • Structure – Head types
  • You’ll need at least 4 different Head types.
  • 4 different Sizes.
  • 4 different Forms.
  • Start with simple Forms.
  • A Cube, a Sphere, a Trapeze or a Pyramid.
  • From there carve the details.
  • You’ll refine the forms to Characterize.
  • How is the Character’s Head?
  • What should it display?
  • What should be the 1st impression?
  • Anatomy – Characters
  • Anatomy comes on top of the Structure.
  • It is a 2nd Layer of Specificity.
  • Anatomy is used to define your Character’s special Characteristics.
  • How should her skull Structure be?
  • What are her Muscular-Skeletal Characteristics?
  • What is her Maxillofacial profile?
  • Which Features define your Characters?
  • How’s her Nose?
  • How’s her Mouth?
  • How are her Eyes?
  • How are her Ears?
  • How are her Cheekbones?
  • What should they Inspire?
  • Quirks
  • Which Expressions define the Character?
  • Is she often Upset?
  • How is it Displayed?
  • Through her Eyes?
  • Through her Mouth?
  • Does she have special Ears?
  • Do they change Color?
  • Which Accessories does the Character wear on her head?
  • Does she have a Head dress?
  • How’s her Hairstyle?
  • Does she wear Jewellery?
  • Does she have piercings?


  • Structure – Body types
  • You’ll need at least 4 different Body types.
  • 4 different combinations of Sizes & Forms.
  • The Lower & Upper parts of the Trunk are often harmoniously arranged.
  • They can be.
  • They do not have to be.
  • How should you arrange the Thorax & the Abdomen to create contrast?
  • Which Sizes should they be?
  • Which Forms should they be?
  • This is not the Anatomy part yet.
  • The Structure part is far more permissive.
  • It allows you to develop a sense of self for each Body type.
  • You can use them as Body Archetypes.
  • Which Kind of
  • How is the Character’s Body?
  • How is her Silhouette?
  • How Memorable is it?
  • How does she look from Front?
  • How does she look from Side?
  • How does she look from Back?
  • What should it Reveal?
  • What should it Inspire?
  • Anatomy – Characters
  • How should you Draw the Character?
  • How will you make her look Unique?
  • Which Features would make her Unique?
  • It allows you to develop a sense of self for each Character.
  • How does the Character look like on the Surface?
  • How’s her Skin?
  • Does it have any peculiarities?
  • Is she Tattooed?
  • Is she Freckled?
  • Does she have Scars?
  • How is her Hair?
  • How dense is it?
  • How thick is it?
  • How long?
  • How are her Muscles?
  • Is she Athletic?
  • Is she Slender?
  • Is she Thick?
  • What should the Character exude?
  • How does her Anatomy convey this emotion?
  • Which emotion is it supposed to be?
  • Quirks
  • How does the Character Pose?
  • What are her signature Poses?
  • Which Accessories does she wear?
  • How do they embellish her body?
  • Which Accessories are missing?
  • Which Clothes should she wear?
  • How do they her compliment her Forms?
  • How is the Drapery drawn?
  • Which material is used?
  • Which textures are used?

Hands & Feet

  • Structure – Animality
  • How can you turn a Hand into something else?
  • How can you reveal the Mechanical nature of the hand?
  • How would you use its Size?
  • How would you modify its Form?
  • Have you ever thought about drawing hands as if they were animals?
  • Have you ever thought about drawing hands as if they were animal parts?
  • The most obvious would be Claws.
  • Have you though of a hand as a Mouth?
  • As Jaws?
  • Arms as Horns?
  • Arms as Tentacles?
  • Can you draw Hands as Animals?
  • How can you make Hands & Feet more alive?
  • Anatomy – Limbs
  • Features
  • How would you draw her Limbs?
  • How many should she have?
  • Which type?
  • How Long are her Limbs?
  • How Thick are her Limbs?
  • How Soft are her Limbs?
  • How are they Shaped?
  • How are they Covered?
  • With which kind of Skin?
  • Does she have an Exoskeleton?
  • Does she have Wings?
  • Does she Tail?
  • Does she have any Limbs?
  • Why?
  • How did it happen?
  • Is she born this way?
  • Did she have an accident?
  • Which Crisis did she have to face?
  • Quirks
  • How do the Character’s Hands & Feet behave?
  • How do they display her Emotions?
  • How can you display Expressions through Hands?
  • How can you display Expressions through Feet?
  • They can display Anger or Joy quite easily.
  • What about Sadness?
  • Fear?
  • Is it so easy?
  • Is it so obvious?
  • How do Hands characterize someone?
  • How do Feet characterize someone?
  • Do they transcribe her Habits?
  • Do they transcribe her Anxiety?
  • Do they transcribe her Willpower?
  • Manifestations
  • Through which Gestures?
  • Accessories


  • Use of Space
  • What is your Frame?
  • What is your Setting?
  • How will you use Framing to embellish your Setting?
  • What is your Main Subject?
  • Is it a Character?
  • Who is it?
  • How is she depicted?
  • How do you reinforce Attention on her?
  • How do you create Focus?
  • On what is the attention Focalized?
  • What are the Fundamental elements of the Picture?
  • How clearly are they displayed?
  • What could reinforce this Clarity?
  • Forms, Shapes & Depth
  • What are the Main Shapes used?
  • What are the building Blocks of your Pictures?
  • How do you delimit the space of each Block?
  • How do you turn Shapes into Forms?
  • What should look 3-dimensional?
  • What should look 2-dimensional?
  • How do you convey perspective?
  • Which Forms create a sense of Depth?
  • Which Shapes flatten the picture?
  • Light
  • Does your picture have Colors?
  • Textures
  • Which Atmosphere is conveyed?
  • Which Colors are used?
  • How are they arranged?
  • Where are you?
  • What are the dominant Colors?
  • How do they complement each other?
  • What are the most common forms?
  • What is their respective Color?
  • How do they define the Environment?
  • How does light lifts the Colors?
  • How does light alter Forms?
  • How does light affect Behaviors?
  • How do Colors affect Behaviors?
  • How do forms affect the perception of the Environment?
  • Thematic Contrast
  • What are the Fundamental Themes of your Story?
  • Which Themes are depicted in this Picture?
  • How do they Relate to each other?
  • Do they oppose each other?
  • Do they complement each other?
  • Which Relationships between the Character do they Reveal?
  • Does every Character represent a Theme?
  • Which Theme do they represent?
  • What does this Suggest?

How to Compose easily?

  1. Using the rule of Thirds is the easiest approach.
  2. Separate your picture in 9 sections.
  3. Choose the Section in which your main Subject will be placed.
  4. Focus the rest of your image to this Subject using basic Perspective.



