How to write an Investigator?

Being a Solver

  • How is the Character Questioning?
    • Herself
    • Others
  • On which topics is she Pondering the most?
  • How is her Though Process displayed?
  • How often is is exposed?
  • What’s her view on Humanity?
  • What are her Resolution Tools?
  • What kind of Models is she Creating?
  • Which type of Issues is she trying to Solve?
  • What problems disinterest her?
  • How is she Seeking?
  • Which research tools is she using?
  • How is her Obsession for the affair is displayed?
  • How Aggressive is she?
  • How reactive is she when she notices Inconsistencies?
  • How Averse is she to Stupidity?
  • How Averse is she to Cruelty?


  • When does she rely on Maps?
  • When does she rely on Timelines?
  • Does she uses Itineraries?
  • Can she memorize individual Position in Space easily?
  • How does she check Room?
  • Can she visualize multiple Levels of a single building?
    • Of multiple building?
  • How does she conduce Interviews?
  • How does she classify Testimonies?
  • Which background are crucial to her?
  • Does she look for Criminal Records?
    • How?
  • Does she look for a Precedent in the suspect’s history?
  • How does she establish Continuity?
  • What’s her definition of Causality?
  • What’s her definition of Simultaneity?
  • How is she Checking Identities?
  • How is she Checking Relationships?
  • Does she ask directly?
  • Does she ask to a relative?
  • Does she go for the suspects ID?
  • Does she Verify the pertinence of a fact with multiple individuals?
  • Who should be interrogated 1st?
  • In which situation?
  • How does she Cross testimonies?
  • Which factors overlap?
  • Which factors amplify each others?
  • Which factors contradict each other?
  • Why Lie?
  • On which topic?
  • How to hide the Lie?
  • What to do with Divergent Answers?
  • Is 1 true & the other false?
  • What’s her definition of Evil?


  • Accessory
  • What’s her Clothing like?
  • What’s her Weaponry like?
  • Identity
  • What is her Differentiator?
  • What’s her Signature?
  • Which Symbols does she use?
  • Which Animal represents her?
  • What’s her favorite Dish?
  • Design
  • How does it display her Sharpness?
  • How does it display her Obsession?
  • How does it display her Revulsion?
  • How does it display her Addiction?
  • Home
  • Does she have a Vehicle?
  • In which City/Town does she live?
  • Which Education did she receive?
    • From who?


  • Does she bear any Titles?
  • Does she have a Rank?
  • Does she have any Military qualifications?
  • Does she have the Police support?
  • Does she have the Police validation?
  • Tact
  • How Empathetic is she?
  • At which Pace does she speak?
  • How does she move?
  • How is her discomfort displayed?
  • Lifestyle
  • Is she Poor?
  • Is she Promiscuous?
  • Is she Ill-viewed?
  • Is she calumniated?
  • Why?
  • Which of her traits are disapproved?
    • Physical
    • Behavioral


  • Which Roles are needed by your Character?
  • Your Character will need Advices.
  • Different types of Advices.
  • The diversity of Profiles allows more Relatability & Identification.
  • Supporters.
  • Leader / Coordinator
  • Your Investigator may lose track of the stakes.
  • The Leader is there to manage the other team members.
  • If these team members have issues with the Investigator.
  • She ensure the inclusiveness of other members in the Investigation.
  • How can she help the Investigator to become more Gregarious?
  • She’s Industrious.
  • She’s Decisive.
  • She knows what is necessary.
  • Arbiter / Advisor / Rival
  • Your character may be over focused on 1 outcome.
  • She may be obsessed with 1 suspect.
  • The Arbiter brings back doubt.
  • She is there to contrary the Investigator.
  • She’s Resolute.
  • How can she help the Investigator to doubt?
  • How can she push her to Self-Inquiry?
  • Soul / Enticer
  • She’s there when the Investigator is Depressed.
  • She’s the most useful in Denial situations.
  • She may have been Abused & can see this in the Character.
  • How can she help the Investigator to be Happier?
  • How can she help her to be more Honest?
  • She’s Enticing.
  • She makes sure everyone is Engaged in the Resolution.
  • Can she act as a confident?
  • Protector / Supplier / Sponsor
  • She assist the Investigator when she’s weak.
  • She appears when the Investigator is in danger.
  • She’s here when the Character is lacking resources.
  • She makes sure Everyone is needed.
  • She’s a Peace Keeper.
  • She’s Neutral.
  • She’s Effective.
  • Potential Functions
  • Commissionner
  • Detective
  • Lawyer/Judge
  • Journalist
  • Biochemist/Molecular Biologist
  • Mercenary/Bounty Hunter
  • Assassin/Murderer

Confirmation Bias

  • What if…
  • What if I was wrong?
  • What if we incarcerated the wrong person?
  • What if the culprit was not there anymore?
  • What if there were no culprit?
  • What would happen?
  • What would be the consequences?
  • Do we have a death penalty system?
  • Information check
  • How did I establish the chain of events?
  • Do I need to make more Time comparisons?
  • Do I need to write down more Time lines?
  • Is my approach Probabilistic enough?
  • Are there missing occurrences?
  • Did I Check the Clocks?
  • Did I Check the Electricity?
  • Human Biases
  • Do I have too much Sympathy for 1 character?
  • Do I have too much Aversion for 1 character?
  • What’s my Relationship with the Scene?
  • What’s my Relationship with the Victim?
  • What’s my Relationship with the Suspect?
  • What’s my Relationship with the Culprit?


