How to write a Horror Scene?


  • Light
  • What are the available light sources?
  • How fragile are they?
  • How long will they sustain?
  • Who has access to them?
  • Are they trustworthy?
  • Who would gain advantage from destroying the light?
  • How would they do it?
  • Color
  • Would you Dark colors?
  • Would you Cold colors?
  • Would you Vibrant colors?
  • Colors that reminds the character of a cherished memory?
  • Colors that symbolize their attachment to a place?
  • Colors that attract them to a place they shouldn’t enter?
  • Cursed Words
  • Which are the words your characters hate the most?
  • Which phrases are they unable to hear?
  • Which name cause instant Rage when they hear them?
  • Which words can’t the pronounce?
  • Would they beat someone because they said the One word?
  • Which words are forbidden in your story?
  • Are certain terms abhorred?
  • Can they get you executed?
  • Which phrases cause Mania?
    • In a definite country?
    • In a specific culture?
    • In a family?
  • How will you use senses to set Tone?
  • How will you use Sight?
  • How will you use Smell?
  • How will you use Taste?
  • How will you use Hearing?
  • How will you use Touch?
  • Which character is more sensitive to Sight?
  • Which character is more sensitive to Hearing?
  • How is the characters’ imagination formed?
  • What’s its Shape?
  • How does it manifest?
  • Through which crisis?


  • A Scale of Pain
  • How do your Characters define Pain?
  • What constitute an effort for them?
  • Do your Characters feel Threatened?
  • When do they feel this Threat?
  • Where do they feel it?
  • What triggers them?
  • What endeavors them?
  • What is a Menace?
  • What do they perceive as a Menace?
  • What would turn them into the Menace?
  • The Progression & the Shift
  • How do the characters act in the beginning of the story?
    • Are they defiant?
    • Are they in denial?
    • Are they contrarian?
    • Are they antagonistic?
  • How does Fear change them?
  • How do they transition to Horror?
  • What leads them to the Discovery of the Menace?
  • Do they choose to Hunt it afterwards?
  • Can they Overcome it?
  • Death
  • Is death a passage?
  • Is death a conclusion?
  • Should you use Undeath?
  • Can the story continue after Death?
  • Do the dead feel sorry for themselves?
  • Do they envy the living?
  • Are they jealous of the living?
  • Are there forms of reanimations?
  • Who can be reanimated?
  • Who should die?
  • Should a Main character die?
  • Should the protagonist be replaced?
  • Fatality
  • How should 1 be killed?
  • How unfair was the death?
  • How was it perceived?
  • How unpredictable was it?
  • How was the Last moment of this character?
  • Where they excluded from the group previously?
  • When does the Climax come?
  • Is there a Showdown?
  • Are all characters eliminated before being able to face the creature?


  • Echoes
  • Do you hear Voices?
  • Do you hear Laughers?
  • Where are these Callings coming from?
  • Who are they coming for?
  • Which name are they ushering?
  • Are they Conjuring you?
  • Did you left someone in Cries?
  • Unseen Environment
  • Can you hear Bodies rubbing?
  • Can you hear the moaning?
  • Can you hear the mutual destruction before the recreation?
  • Do you hear bones & stones grounded together?
  • Can you see the Dripping liquid?
  • Can you feel the Crystalline flux in your veins?
  • How is this Blade, which is opening the soft flesh?
  • Where does this Scrapping noise come from?
  • Moving sounds
  • Why can’t the characters see the threat?
  • How do they imagine it?
  • Can they hear dripping water in the distance?
  • Can they hear a slippery door slammed?
  • Can they hear the droplets in the other room?
  • Will they pass the door?
  • Music
  • Have you created character’s Themes?
  • How do they Characterize them?
  • How do the theme display their Goal?
  • How do they display their Interests?
  • How do they display their Intentions?


  • Knowledgeable
  • You meet a Crow.
  • She’s Frightful.
  • Her Macabre figure unsettles you.
  • Though, you can perceive her intelligence.
  • It Maybe higher than yours.
  • She speaks calmly.
  • Does she look Jaded?
  • Is she hiding information from you?
  • What would you do to obtain it?
  • Desperate
  • You meet a Lamb.
  • She looks Confuse.
  • She looks Hungry.
  • She’s Clinging to oneself.
  • She’s following you.
  • Losing her sense of self.
  • She follows you.
  • Obsessive
  • You meet a Snake.
  • She sounds Single-minded.
  • Her jaws are Viscous.
  • Her lips are plump.
  • She’s Sticky with you.
  • Her body is Heavy.
  • Her body is Warm.
  • Absolute
  • You meet a Horse.
  • She lack a nose.
  • Her Occult eyes attracts you.
  • What is Unknown to her?
  • What is Known to her?
  • You can sense The other animals Awe when she speaks.
  • You can feel their Veneration of her words.
  • Inside
  • A Monkey bit you.
  • Your arm itches.
  • A stinging pain come to you.
  • You hear a pop in your mind.
  • As if something has hatched.
  • “…Parasitic…
  • Feeding on one’s essence…
  • Depleting of one’s willpower…
  • And cannot be killed without killing the host.”
    • Says the horse
    • Whose words you have come to believe
  • What contrast can you create between the parasite & her host?
  • Could the parasite be a revelator of her host’s true nature?


  • Curiosity
  • What’s that dish?
  • How Unusual is it?
  • Does cause you some mild Repulsion?
  • Are Unsure about what it is made of?
  • Can you touch it?
  • Can you swallow it?
  • Attraction
  • Do you want a bowl of it?
  • What sense comfort does it bring you?
  • Do you want more of it?
  • Do you feel envy?
  • What fragrance does it exude?
  • How is the taste?
  • Can you feel it moving against your tongue?
  • Danger
  • Is it acidic?
  • Is it toxic?
  • Is it burning?
  • Is it corrosive?
  • Can it make you more aggressive?
  • Do you fall asleep?


  • Horror in Daily Life
  • What are the characters Routines?
  • What are they habits?
  • What makes this world Ordinary?
  • What is not enjoyable, nor despicable?
  • Just Normal.
  • Moderate Gore is more effective
  • What causes Disgust?
  • Do you need to exaggerate the torture a character goes through?
  • Do you need to display a Body’s molestation?
    • Entirely?
    • Partially?
  • Is it more effective to show a body being destroyed?
  • Is it more effective to show the wretched corpse after the misdeed?
  • Does Horror have to be Visceral?
  • Can it be plain?
  • Can it be simple?
  • Can it be without stumbles?
  • Can it be without tremor?
  • Can it be peaceful?
  • Can it be accepted?
  • Can it be fine?



