How to Write an Ascetic?


  • Resilience
  • Where does the Character come form?
  • What crisis has she been through?
  • How did she manage to survive?
  • Through which effort does she go today?
  • How does she struggle?
  • Does she sit often?
  • Is she still?
  • Does she lose her temper?
  • Parsimony
  • What does the Character enjoy?
  • When does she enjoy it?
  • Does consumption provide her pleasure?
  • Is she looking for Pleasure?
  • Does she Want?
  • How does she consume?
  • How often does she eat & drink?
  • What does she consume?
  • How does she treat her belongings?
  • Aloneness
  • What does the Character look for?
  • How does she isolate?
  • When does she isolate?
  • Why does she isolate?
  • What is the value of Solitude to her?
  • Is Solitude a choice?
  • Is it a consequence of Individuality?
  • Is it the right solution?
  • Or a state of preservation?

Weaponry & Status

  • Swift Body
  • Is she Athletic?
  • Does she have a Great Physique?
  • Does she have an Average build?
  • How Agile is she?
  • How Strong is she?
  • How Fast is she?
  • How does she move?
  • How does she act?
  • Light Armor
  • How can she protect herself?
  • What does she wear?
  • Does she wear Leather?
  • Does she wear thick Clothing?
  • Does her armor slows her Light moves?
  • Is it a burden?
  • Does it hinder her?
  • Does it flow with her?
  • Polearms
  • Does she have a high Dexterity?
  • Does she use Staffs?
  • Does she use Lances?
  • Does she use Halberds?
  • Does she prefer Wood or Metal?
  • Hand-to-Hand
  • How fast are her Fists?
  • How light are her Kicks?
  • Does her Combinations look choregraphed?
  • How fast can she run?
  • What’s her Speed?
  • Does she move like a Whirlwind?
  • Can she find weapons in her environment?
  • Can she extract weapons off her environment?
  • Can she use her environment as a weapon?

Effortless Action

  • Economy of Action
  • Does she react?
  • How does she interact with her environment?
  • How worn are her Clothes?
  • Does she ever look tired?
  • Does she always look for the Shortest Path?
  • How minimal are her Movements?
  • Stability
  • How does she Breathe?
  • How does she Maintain herself?
  • How is her posture?
  • How is her back?
  • How are her legs?
  • Does she hurt herself?
  • While Training?
  • Does she ever have accidents?
  • Graceful
  • How does she walk?
  • How does she speak?
  • How often does she speak?
  • How does she view Silence?
  • Does she enjoy Silence?
  • How does she behave in other’s presence?
  • Is she calming?
  • Is she soothing?
  • Light
  • Does she bear a source of Light?
  • How does she use it?
  • Does she need its warmth?
  • Does she need Light?
  • How does she transport it?
  • What’s the nature of this light?
  • Does she use Light as a weapon?

The Way

  • Water
  • What is Calm?
  • When is she the most Serene?
  • How Flexible is she?
  • Does she understand the value of Habits?
  • Does she understand the value of Repetition?
  • Does she understand the value of Compounding?
  • What does she Practice the most?
  • How does she Practice?
  • Acceptance
  • Can she Accept all things?
  • What is Acceptance?
  • What is Unacceptable?
  • What does each new step in Acceptance mean?
  • How does it redefine the Character’s identity?
  • How does it distord the Character’s identity?
  • Can Acceptance lead to Identity Loss?
  • No definite answer
  • What is to be questioned?
  • Why would she need Life-long Pondering?
  • Does she display signs of Skepticism?
  • Does she display signs of Cynicism?
  • Does she need to be reassured?
  • Does she need safety?
  • What’s her view on Perfection?
    • Is it a process?
    • Is it a state/result?
  • Universal Scale
  • What is Being little?
  • What is Being nothing?
  • How does the Character view herself?
  • How does she describe herself?
  • Does she speak of her issues?
  • Does she complain?
  • How important are her Issues?
  • What is Essential to her?

Types of Ascetic

  • Nomad
  • Where does she travel?
  • Does she have an itinerary?
  • How recluse is she?
  • Does she travel for pleasure?
  • Which landscapes does she favor?
  • When does she Contemplate?
  • When does she Sleep?
  • How long does she Sleep?
  • What Teachings does she try to understand?
  • What does she dream of?
  • Agent
  • What is her mission?
  • Does this mission change?
  • What is her itinerary?
  • What is her motivation?
  • Does she have targets?
  • What are these targets?
  • Who are these targets?
  • How stealthy is she?
  • How swift is she?
  • Does she deliver a parole?
  • Does she operate alone?
  • Which places does she favor?
  • Which places does she avoid?
  • Companion
  • Is she looking for Companionship?
  • Which kind of Companionship?
  • Does she prefer like-minded people?
  • Does she prefer different-minded people?
  • How does she treat others?
  • Which places does she frequent?
  • Why these places?
  • Can she find people easily therein?
  • Is she Sharing?
  • Does she offer often Gifts?
  • Which kind?
  • To Whom?


  • Rival
  • How attached is she to Others?
  • How attached is she to her Team?
  • How can she Catalyze another’s strengths?
  • How can she Inhibit another’s weaknesses?
  • How Adversarial is she?
  • How Challenging is she?
  • How Resolute is she?
  • How she take care of another?
  • Guide
  • Does she value Knowledge?
  • Does she value Wisdom?
  • How friendly is she?
  • How does she explain concepts?
  • How does she display problems?
  • How does she propose solutions?
  • How Patient is she?
  • What would she like to teach her friends?
  • What do they want to learn from her?
  • Sponsor
  • Is she Secure?
  • Does she secure situations?
  • How long can she Wait?
  • How much does she value patience?
  • How much does she value reputation?
  • How Resilient is she?
  • Is she Slanting?
  • Soul
  • Does she Observe?
  • Does she Discriminate?
  • How often does she Ponder?
  • Which landscapes does she relishes in?
  • In which Ideal does she Bath?
  • What does she want to Experience?
  • What is her Body?
  • What is she?




