How to write an Agent?


  • Calm
  • How discrete is she?
  • What is the reason for her Discreetness?
  • Is she calm to preserve her Reputation?
  • How much does her Appearance matter?
  • Is she Aloof?
  • Does she give the Illusion to be distant?
  • Is she calm because she can distance herself from the issues?
  • What is Relativism according to her?
  • Can she picture issues Larger than her easily?
  • When does she get angry?
  • When does she panic?
  • Focused
  • How does she define Necessity?
  • How does she Skim Information?
  • What tempts her?
  • What could trouble her?
  • Enough for her to stray from her mission?
  • How does she define Temptation?
  • When does she find herself in an Altered state?
  • Is it Mental state Alteration?
  • Was she administered Substances?
  • Was it a Poison?
  • Prepared
  • Can she Appear at will?
  • Can she Vanish at will?
  • How does she enter & quit a room?
  • Is she Prepared for Failure?
  • Which Forms of Failure?
  • What Consequences does she envision?
  • How does she define Accountability?
  • When could she be Trapped?
  • Why would she be Trapped?
  • What would be unexpected to her?

Weaponry & Status

  • Blades
  • Which kind of Blades does she use?
  • What are their properties?
  • Are they poisoned?
  • How sharp are they?
  • Where are they Hidden?
  • In her Accessories?
  • Under her Clothes?
  • Do they pass Metal detection?
  • What is the Material used in their confection?
  • Fire weapons
  • Which Type of fire weapon does she use?
  • At which Distance does she use them?
  • Does she use them Only on People?
  • Does she use them on People at all?
  • Does she use them to Activate/Deactivate Mechanisms?
  • Which Material is used to build them?
  • How Compact are they?
  • How easy are they dismount?
  • Hand-to-hand
  • How Fast is she?
  • Does she fight Face to face?
  • Does she fight groups?
  • Does she even Fight her targets?
  • How Stealthy is she?
  • How strong are her arms?
  • How strong are her legs?
  • Suit
  • How many suits does she have?
  • What are their specificities?
  • Are they Slim-fitted?
  • Do they reveal her Silhouette?
  • How Pockets does each of them have?
  • How many Visible Pockets does each of them have?
  • In which Material are they made?
  • What are the Properties of these materials?
  • What are the Properties of the suits?
  • Do they all offer the same level of Protection?
  • From which Hazards?
  • Did she design them?
  • Did she make them?
  • Accessories
  • What is their Size?
  • What is their Use?
  • To which Body parts are they connected?
  • What are their Properties?
  • When does she Use each of them?
  • Do they have a Limited amount of use?
  • Are they Rechargeable?
  • Are they on Battery?
  • What is their Durability?
  • Where are they Hidden?

The Mission

  • Plan
  • What is the Mission?
  • What should be retrieved?
  • Is it a Physical Object?
  • Where is it stored?
  • Who guards it?
  • How should we Get to the Object?
  • How should we Get out?
  • How do we flee Without being noticed?
  • Threats
  • What is the Nature of each Threat?
  • What’s their Position?
  • How dangerous are they? (Amplitude)
  • How many are they? (Numbers)
  • How are they related to each other? (Relationships)
  • Why are they here?
  • What are their Motives?
  • Mission Types
  • What should we Recover?
  • What should we Deliver?
  • What should we Collect?
  • What should we Destroy?
  • Who we Thwart?
  • What should we Investigate?
  • Escape
  • Do we have a Plan of the location?
  • Is it up to date?
  • How do we use this Plan?
  • What are the available Routes?
  • Who are the Pursuers?
  • Should we Get rid of them?
  • How do we Get rid of them?
  • Should we Associate with them?
  • How do we Associate with them?
  • Should we Put them against one another?
  • How do we Put them against one another?
  • What are the Alternative exists?
  • What are the Unknown exits?
  • What are the Hidden exits?

Smooth Operator

  • Sleek
  • Does she have an Average Build?
  • How Slim is she?
  • Is she not too heavy?
  • How Minimalist is she?
  • Does she bear only what’s Crucial?
  • Can she Work with constraints?
  • Which constrains?
  • Elegance
  • How Patient is she?
  • How Measured is she?
  • How Fashionable is she?
  • Which kind of clothes does she wear?
  • Which Manners define her?
  • How Sophisticated is she?
  • How does she detect one’s Satisfaction?
  • How does she ensure one’s Satisfaction?
  • How does she identify one’s Interests?
  • How does she identify one’s Obsessions?
  • Discretion
  • Is she upfront?
  • Does she prefer to operate for someone?
  • Does she prefer to operate under an Alias?
  • How does he use Baits?
  • How does she protect her Cover?
  • Which Aliases does she favor?
  • Doe she choose them?
  • How does she use Decoys?
  • How does she find Recruits?
  • How Detached is she from her partners?
  • Adaptability
  • Which Countermeasures does she prepare?
  • For which occasions?
  • What is her Time of response?
  • How does she Improvise?
  • What are her strategies of improvisation?
  • How easily can she use the Materials she found?
  • Can she make Weapons out of them?
  • How can she Use her own environment?
  • How does she Modify her Environment?

Types of Agent

  • Spy
  • Which Organization is she part of?
  • Why did she join them?
  • How did she join them?
  • Who composes her team?
  • What is her Relationship to them?
  • Did she ever Change of Organization?
  • Did she ever Change of Team?
  • Was it Forced?
  • Was it Voluntary?
  • Was it Consensual?
  • Assassin
  • How does she find her Contracts?
  • Where does she find her Contracts?
  • Does she refuse certain Contracts?
  • Does she refuse certain Targets?
  • Why does she Refuse?
  • Why this kind of Target?
  • Does she ask for a proof of engagement?
  • Which Payment does she demand?
  • Does she accept Money?
  • Does she demand another form of Compensation?
  • How discrete does she to be?
  • Is she validated by the Government?
  • Are her actions endorsed by a Legitimate Organization?
  • Information Broker
  • How does she choose her Customers?
  • Does she choose them?
  • Does she accept anyone?
  • Which kind of Information does she sell?
  • Which kind of Information does she never sell?
  • What are her Formula?
  • What’s the average amount of Money she demand?
  • What other sorts of Payment does she accept?
  • Does she grant loans?
  • Does she ask for Down payments?
  • Does she offer Credits?
  • Revolutionary
  • Which Ideal does she defend?
  • Why is she defending it?
  • Who is she Protecting?
  • What is the role of this person?
  • What does she need to Destroy?
  • Why?
  • Who does she need to eliminate?
  • Which States are her enemies?
  • Which States are her allies?


  • Sponsor
  • Which Relationships does she possess?
  • Which Relationships does she open to her allies?
  • How does she Develop these relationships?
  • Through which means?
  • Which advantages does it grant her Access to?
  • How does she determine the Level of Threat of these relationships for herself?
  • How does she determine the Level of Threat of these relationships for others?
  • What are the Incompatibilities?
  • Whom does she have Affinities with?
  • Arbiter
  • How Detached is she from the conflict?
  • How does she display Detachment?
  • How does she determine the Best outcome?
  • How does she Rationalize?
  • How does she define Rationalization?
  • How does she Judge?
  • How Effective is she?
  • How Reliable is she?
  • How does she ensure her Safety during the conflicts?
  • Builder
  • Which Tools does she use?
  • Which Tools does she make?
  • Which Components does she use?
  • Does she draw Schemas?
  • How does she Convert her tools into other tools?
  • How does she Deconstruct them?
  • How does she Hide them?
  • How does she Rebuild them?
  • How does she Destroy them?
  • Enticer
  • Does she define herself as an Entertainer?
  • How does she consider Entertainment?
  • What are her Entertainment Skills?
  • How enjoyable are her Conversations?
  • Which topics fascinate her?
  • Which topics does she make fascinating?
  • How Humorous is she?
  • Which kind of Stories does she relate?
  • How does she manage Proximity?
  • How does she manage Closeness?
  • How does she manage Proxemics (relative distances)?
  • How does she manage haptics (touch)?
  • How does she manage kinesics (body movement)?
  • How does she manage vocalics (paralanguage)?
  • How does she manage chronemics (structure of time)?



