- Action is an Enthralling & Compelling Genre.
- Action scenes may be the hardest ones to write as they need to balance Pace & Punch more than any other.
Summary – 4 Steps to write Action Scenes
If you want to write a great Action Scene focus on 4 main elements:
- The Stakes of the Scene, namely the Reward.
- The Relationships between the Protagonist & the Antagonist.
- How to use the Environment as a Weapon or a way out.
- The Specificities of each Character’s Fighting Style.
- Actions Scenes should not stop the Story.
- They should Enhance the Story.
Types of Action Scenes
The 4 categories presented generally overlap & you can transition between them.
- Thwart & Rescue
- What has been Stolen?
- Who has been rapt?
- Why?
- Fame
- Wealth
- Knowledge
- Who Stole it?
- Who captured her?
- Why?
- Goal
- Interests
- How do you get rid of this Menace?
- How do you get the object/person you’re supposed to recover/rescue?
- Which way is the shortest to get out?
- Chase & Escape
- Who chases?
- Who escapes?
- Which vehicle do they use?
- What is the size of the vehicle?
- What’s their weight?
- What’s their capacity?
- What’s their state?
- Does it have defensive capabilities?
- Does is have offensive capabilities?
- Where are we?
- Is it clogged?
- Is it cluttered?
- Racing & Competition
- How many contestants are there?
- Which vehicle do they use?
- What are their characteristics?
- Does everyone use the same type of vehicles?
- How is the Circuit?
- What are its peculiarities?
- Fight/Shootout/Battle Royal
- Any Action scene may be construed as a Fight.
- Fight here is synonymous to Physical Combat.
- How many participants are there?
- Which weapon do they use?
- How experienced are they?
- Where do they fight?
- Do they know the location?
- Is it Advantageous to them?
- How is the field?
Choose your Weapon
- Main Criteria
- What weapon are you using?
- Is it your only Choice?
- Is there an Attachment to this weapon?
- What are the quirks of this weapon?
- What are the limits of this weapon?
- No Weapon/The Body
- Do you want to focus on the abilities of Humans?
- Do you want to focus on the limitations of the human body?
- Your Character gains Full freedom of movement.
- But, she had Limited reach & limited mean to protect herself.
- Does she wear an armor?
- Does she wear Gloves?
- Is the fighting style memorable?
- Are the techniques easily Identifiable?
- Are they easy to perform?
- Action verbs: Punch, Kick, Grab, Scratch, Clench, Hold
- Fights with white weapons:
- Why are White Weapons are mostly reserved to the most Dramatic Fights?
- Is it a Duel?
- What is the importance of the Fight?
- How is the weapon?
- What’s its Size?
- What’s its Weight?
- What Distance can it reach?
- What Moves can you make with it?
- What Poise do you need to use it?
- What Endurance do you need to use it?
- What Strength do you need?
- What Dexterity do you need?
- What Agility do you need?
- Is it a Blade weapon like a Dagger or a Sword?
- Is it a Blunt weapon like a Mace of a heavy Axe?
- Is it an Hybrid weapons like a Halberd?
- Blunt
- Action verbs: Crush, Puncture, Burst
- Blade
- Action verbs: Slash, Slice, Hack, Thrust, Slit
- Fights with fire weapons:
- What’s the size of the grip?
- Are you comfortable using it?
- Is it easy to conceal?
- What’s the Weight of the weapon?
- What’s its Recoil?
- What’s its Fire speed?
- How’s the magazine?
- Which Distance can it reach?
- What’s the Projectile type?
- What’s its Precision level?
- What’s the Marksmanship level of the Gunner?
- Is it safe to use this Fire weapon?
- Thumb Safeties
- Grip Safeties
- Trigger Safeties
- Does it malfunction?
- Who has used it?
- How is the exterior of the Gun?
- Is it high-maintenance?
- Action verbs: Aim, Shoot, Pepper, Reload, Fire, Fling, Propel, Emit, Burn, Open Fire, Blow, Zap
- Fights with Vehicles
- Is the Vehicle Damaged?
- Is the tank Leaking?
- Does it have enough Fuel?
- Does everyone use the same type of vehicles?
- What differences are there between the vehicles?
- Does it have defensive capabilities?
- Does it have offensive capabilities?
- What is the vehicle’s propulsion mean?
- What’s its gas mileage?
- How does it motor convert Energy?
- Is it fuel-efficient?
- What are its Thermodynamic characteristics?
- What are its Electromagnetic pattern?
- Action verbs: Reach, Collide, Wallop, Smite, Swat, Crash, Clash, Bang, Touch
- Fights with Spells
- What is the Element?
- What is the Color of the Spell?
- What’s its Shape?
- How does it behave?
- Does go in a straight line?
- Does it rotate around the target?
- Does it follow the target?
- What is the use of the Spell?
- Has it been deviated from the traditional use?
- What type of Energy is it?
- Who/What is Weak to this type of Spell?
- Who/What Resists to this type of Spell?
- Who/What is Immune to it?
- Can it be used in Combination with others?
- Action verbs: Dawn on, Comes to, Impinges on, Burn, Burst, Freeze, Cracks, Divides, Engulfs, Swallows, Kindle, Toast, Radiate
- You can really use any kind of verbs when it comes to Spell as it is the most flexible category of weapon.
- Fights with Words
- Which words should you use?
- Which words disgust your opponent?
- Which words excite your opponent?
- Which words enrage your opponent?
- Which words sadden your opponent?
- How can you create more intimacy with your target?
- How can you create more distance with your target?
- How can you exhaust her?
- How can you threaten her?
- Action verbs: Situation specific
- Focus on the Emotion the Character wishes to Convey to pick your verb.
If you want to know more about creating unique Weapons.
Violence level
- How does the Environment conveys Pain?
- How is the Atmosphere?
- What Natural Weapons are there?
- What Synergies & Paradoxes are created?
- Can the character see the threat?
- Where is it?
- Can she assess the level of menace?
- The Environment itself can become a Weapon if the Character is familiar with it.
- Is she Exhausted?
- Is your character Unable to use the weapon?
- Does she have to hinder herself to use it?
- Does she spin because the weapon is to cumbersome?
- Are the damages still miserable even if she 2-hands it?
- How does she manifest her frustration?
- Is her Body affected?
- Does she suffer from an Illness?
- Is she Overwhelmed?
- Are there too many enemies?
- Are the ennemies too powerful?
- What advantage do they have on her?
- Can she flee?
- What level of Gore does the scene contain?
- Is there Dismemberment?
- Is there Disembowelment?
- Is there Blood?
- Are there Body Destructions?
- Gore is not a necessity.
- It is merely a figure of Amplification.
- The difference between Action & Horror
- In Action the characters are often in control.
- In Horror the characters are rarely in control.
- All depends on the Crisis the Characters are supposed to Face.
- If you’re writing in a different Genre you’ll want to balance the moments of control & loss.
- A proper balance helps enhancing the phenomenon of Fatality.
If you want to know more about Conflicts.
Action & Development
- Who do the Characters Fight?
- Why do they fight this Individual/Organization?
- What are the Stakes?
- What are the possible Outcomes?
- Which Outcome is most relevant to the Characters’ evolution?
- Which kind of Evolution?
- How does this fight indicate the Story’s advancement?
- What is the tempo of the Fight?
- How far are we in the Story?
- In which environment are we fighting?
- How does this relate to the Stakeholders?
- How is the Conflict displayed?
- Is it Ascending?
- Is it displaying the World’s evolution?
- How detailed is the Setting presentation?
- How does the Setting serve the Fight?
- How is it integrated into the Story?
- What happens before the Fight?
- Where are the Characters before the Fight?
- What happens after the Fight?
- Where are the Characters after the Fight?
If you want to know more about Character Development.
Writing through her Eyes
- Should you write at the 1st person?
- Who’s Point Of View is it?
- Does your fight needs More Dialogues?
- Does it need Less description?
- Keep Phrases Short.
- Write only the Action Verb.
- Why write at the 1st person?
- Using the 3rd allows you to display the publics reaction to a fight.
- 3rd person also allows you to go for a global description of the scene.
- 3rd person Objectifies.
- Do you need objectivity?
- Or do you need Intensity?
- Do you need Brutality?
- What relationship do you want to create between the Character & the Public?
- Do you want to distance the Character from the Public?
- If so, you could always write from an exterior Point of View.
- Here, you would barely display the Characters thoughts.
- Do you want the Public to impersonate the Character?
- Do you want her to approve the Character’s perspective?
- Do you want to create a Contrast between the Public’s perspective & the Character’s?
- Do you want to create a Synergy between the Public’s perspective & the Character’s?
- Do you want to create a Paradox between the Public’s perspective & the Character’s?
If you want to know more about understanding your Character.