How to write a Warrior/Fighter?


  • Who would play a Warrior?
  • Would you?
  • Would your friends play 1?
  • Which friends?
  • Would they play this role in front of you?
  • An actual living model helps tremendously.
  • Wherever you are drawing a fighting scene.
  • Or writing dialogues.
  • Or composing the Theme of this character.
  • Or programming Combat animation.
  • Are there any Physical peculiarities?
  • Does a Fighter need to be Tall?
  • Not really.
  • Most fighters are actually of Average build.
  • Since they need a certain constitution they will rarely be slender.
  • Except if they are particularly fast or dexterous.
  • But a certain Thickness helps.
  • Wherever they are Tall or Small.
  • What are the Traits of a Fighter?
  • Is your character Endurant?
  • Is she Pugnacious?
  • Is she Reactive?
  • Is she Supportive?
  • Is she Straightforward?
  • Is she Honorable?
  • How do you define all these traits?
  • How necessary are they to a Fighter?

Weaponry & Status

  • Balance
  • How Strong is the Character?
  • How Dexterous is she?
  • Fighters generally require a balance between Strength & Dexterity.
  • How does she train in both of these domains?
  • How does she react to people who lack any of these traits?
  • Or both of them?
  • What are her favorite Weapons?
  • What are her favorite Moves?
  • What are her favorite Techniques?
  • Polyvalence & Flexibility
  • Fighter can Access most weapons.
  • Their Flexibility allows them to use them efficiently.
  • How curious is the Character?
  • Does she train herself in different fighting styles?
  • Which fighting styles?
  • Who does she learn them from?
  • What is her relationship with this person?
  • Does she enjoy the persons she learns from?
  • Does she enjoy the persons she teaches to?
  • Quality Build
  • What’s a Solid Character?
  • Does she have some Vitality?
  • Does she have Great Stamina?
  • How’s her Endurance?
  • What about her Constitution?
  • Can she Resist to Environmental hazards?
  • How is it all displayed?
  • In her Stature?
  • In her Equipment?
  • In her Behavior?


  • Anticipation
  • How does she Study the Field?
  • How familiar is she with the Field?
  • Can she draw a map easily?
  • Can she Plan fast?
  • How does she capitalize on the Environment?
  • Can she Make use of each Team members strengths?
  • Does she always Factor her Team mates weaknesses?
  • Does she know her enemies strengths?
  • Does she know her enemies weaknesses?
  • Move set
  • Does she use 2-handed weapons?
  • Does she use 1-handed weapons?
  • Does she use dual weapons?
  • Does she use a shield?
  • Does she Shield-Bash?
  • Does she use Lances & Halberds?
  • Does she prefer Swords or Axes?
  • Does she prefer longswords or broadswords?
  • Does she kick?
  • Does she punch?
  • Does she have a mount/stead?
  • Polyvalence
  • She Generally acts in a team.
  • Can she fight alone?
  • What are her limits?
  • What tactics does she use the most?
  • How does she adapts her technics to a certain enemy?
  • How does she adapts her technics to a certain group?
  • How does she adapts her technics to a certain terrain?
  • How does she adapts her technics to a certain weapon?
  • Which enemies does she trample over?
  • Which enemies are the most dangerous for her?


  • Cults
  • Is she part of an organization?
  • Is this organization still alive?
  • Did she erect a Shrine?
  • Does it welcome people?
  • Which kind of people?
  • What is the goal of her cult?
  • What do they celebrate?
  • Before Battle
  • Does she Salute the Field?
  • Does she Salute the Enemy?
  • Does she Respect the Enemy?
  • What is her definition of Honor?
  • What is her definition of Respect?
  • What is her definition of Fairness?
  • Which war Rules does she follow?
  • Which war Rules does she not follow?
  • The Departed
  • What Memories does the Field remind her?
  • Does she Think of those who are Present?
  • Does she Think of those who are Gone?
  • Does she Honor the dead?
  • How?
  • What’s the use?
  • Does she bear Souvenirs?
  • Is she wearing an Amulet?
  • Is she wearing a Talisman?
  • Is she wearing a specific Weapon?
  • Is she wearing a certain piece of Armor?

Types of Fighter

  • Soldier
  • Is she trying to install Order?
  • Is she Law-Abiding?
  • Is she there to enforce the Rules?
  • Is she part of the Government?
  • Is she part of the Nobility?
  • Vigilante
  • What is her definition of Justice?
  • What is her definition of Fairness?
  • What is she defending?
  • Is she deferent?
  • Is she working with an Organization?
  • Is she operating Alone?
  • What is she Attached to?
  • Who is she Attached to?
  • What is her Ideal world like?
  • Mercenary
  • Does she operates in Small groups?
  • Is she part of a Militia?
  • Does she kill for hire?
  • What Rewards is she demanding?
  • Is she an Outlaw?
  • Is she aligned to a movement?
  • How Detached is she?


  • Leader
  • Of War, how knowledgeable is she?
  • How does she use her Tactics?
  • How does she adapt them?
  • Regarding which parameters?
  • Does she spread Emulation in the Team?
  • Does she ask team members for Insights?
  • Arbiter
  • Does she have a sense of Justice?
  • Is Justice a valid concept to her?
  • Does she have a sense of Equity?
  • Can she emphasize the consequences of a conflict?
  • Does she have a disposition for peaceful resolutions?
  • Does she have a sense of Balance?
  • What is her definition of Wisdom?
  • Protector
  • How Tough is she?
  • How Reliable is she?
  • How Protective is she?
  • Does she take care of her team members?
  • Who does she prioritize?
  • The weakest ones?
  • Is she Oath-Bound?
  • Enticer
  • Is she Courageous?
  • Is she Resilient?
  • Is she Benevolent?
  • How does she inspire others?
  • Do they emulate her?
  • Is she likeable?
  • Is she funny?
  • Does she tell Jokes?
  • Does she tell Stories?



