How to write a Waiting Room?

The Room

  • The Waiting Room
  • What does the Character need?
  • Why is she in this Waiting Room?
  • What’s the Use of this Room?
  • What is the Character waiting for?
  • Which Zones has she access to?
  • Which Services do they propose?
  • Atmosphere
  • How are the Colors?
    • Bright?
    • Pastel?
  • How do they affect the people in the room?
  • How is the Light?
    • Is it natural?
    • Are there spots?
  • Are there Plants?
  • What kind of Plants?
  • How large are they?
  • What makes them unique?
  • Is there an Air Conditioner?
  • Is there a Patio?
  • Are there pets?
  • Are there other animals?
  • Are they friendly?
  • Are they feral?
  • Organization & Order
  • Is there a Ticket system?
  • How are the Tickets?
  • How is the Ticket machine?
  • Do you need an Appointment?
  • How does the Appointment system work?
  • Is there a Receptionist?
  • Is there a Clerk?
  • Is the practitioner often Late?
  • Does she often Cancel?
  • Why does she Cancel?
  • Furniture
  • How Encumbered is the Room?
  • Are there Tables?
  • What kind of Table?
  • What’s their use?
  • Are they necessary?
  • What kind of Chairs are there?
  • Are they Solid?
  • Are they Comfortable?
  • Are they Homogenous?
  • How high are they?
  • What other type of Furniture are there?
  • Which Materials are used?
  • Is there a Water Fountain?
    • Are there goblets?
  • Entertainment
  • Is there a Television?
  • How many Screens are there?
  • Are there Magazines?
  • Which kind of Magazines?
  • Is there a Playground?
  • Are there Toys?
  • Is the Room Enjoyable?
  • Can it be Enjoyable?

Types of Waiting Room

  • Clinic
  • Why is the Character here?
  • Is she Ill?
  • Is she Injured?
  • Does she accompany an acquaintance?
  • How clean is the Room?
  • Is it cleaned daily?
  • Is the floor white?
  • Is the ceiling white?
  • Are the walls white?
  • Are there odors?
  • Which kind of odors?
  • How is the Bathroom?
    • Aspect
    • Quality
    • Comfort
  • Counsellor/Advisor
  • Why is the Character here?
  • Does she need a Lawyer?
  • Does she need an Accountant?
  • Does she need an Architect?
  • Does she need to store Private Data?
  • How’s the Design?
  • Are there Sofas?
  • Are there Carpets?
  • Are there Pictures?
  • Are there Mirrors?
  • Are there Statues?
  • Are there Trophies?
  • Are there Surveillance cameras?
  • Which kind of customers are received?
  • Do they have Children?
  • Do they bring their Children?
  • How is the Character received?
  • Is there a Secretary?
  • Beautician
  • Why is the Character here?
  • Does she need a Hairdresser?
  • Does she need an Aesthetician?
  • How is the Character received?
  • How is the Room Designed?
  • What makes it unique?
  • How’s the Light?
  • What kind of Music plays?
  • Which fragrance can you smell?
  • Are beverages served?
    • Hot beverages?
    • Tea?
    • Cocoa?
    • Soft Drinks?
    • Mineral water?
    • Sparkling water?
  • Drive-In
  • Why does the Character prefer Drive-Ins?
  • Does she need to be Incognito?
  • Is she lazy?
  • Is she afraid of something?
  • Does she prefer intimacy?
  • Does she prefer to stay in a comfortable space?
  • What kind of Car does she use?
    • Does she use a Bike?
  • How are the other Cars in the queue?
  • How’s the Interphone?
  • How far from the driver is it?
  • Does it function properly?
  • How are Orders taken?
  • Are there items Missing?

Type of Patients/Customers

  • Noisy
  • Goal
  • Does she try to share her uneasiness?
  • Does she try to get other’s attention?
  • Behaviors
  • Does she speak loudly?
  • Does she laugh loudly?
  • Does she speak with everyone?
  • Is she indiscrete?
  • Does she ask embarrassing questions?
  • Does she make awkward statements?
  • Does she record it on her phone?
  • Does she report what she sees to someone on the phone?
  • Does she sing?
  • Quirks
  • Does she wear a gigantic hat with tinker bells?
  • Does she wear high heal shoes ?
  • Does she wear a roaring clock?
  • Needy
  • Goal
  • Why is the character here?
  • What does she need?
  • Does she feel lonely?
  • Does she need to talk?
  • Does she need to be heard?
  • Does she want to be surrounded?
  • Does she seek comfort?
  • Behaviors
  • Is she smiling?
  • Is she considerate of other people in the room?
  • Is she listening to the other patients / customers?
  • Does she trigger opportunities to talk with them?
  • Quirks
  • Does she have a first aid kit?
  • Does she have a box with cookies?
  • Grumpy
  • Goal
  • Does she want to regulate wait times?
  • Does she want everyone to be disciplined?
  • Does she want to be on time?
  • Behavior
  • Is she punctual?
  • Is she impatient?
  • Does she sigh heavily?
  • Does she make comment about the noise?
  • Quirks
  • Does she wear sunglasses?
  • Does she hold a notebook?
  • Timid
  • Goal
  • Can she get to the practitioner fast?
  • How fast?
  • Can she exit the waiting room without speaking to anyone?
  • Behavior
  • What can she do to be quiet?
  • What can she do to be left alone?
  • How does she stand?
  • Is she standing straight?
  • How does she use her hands?
  • Does she hide them?
  • Does she hide her face?
  • Quirks
  • What transcribe her Bashfulness?
  • How is her Fearfulness displayed?
  • Sneezy
  • Goal
  • Does she need to rest?
  • Does she need to be taken care of?
  • Behavior
  • Does she sneeze?
  • Does she act Foolishly?
  • Is she Sleepy?
  • Is she Tottering?
  • Quirks
  • How is her Illness displayed?
  • Through which means?
  • Does she have bandages?
  • Does she have a thermometer?
  • Is there someone representing her?
  • Host
  • Goal
  • Is she Obsessed with Organization?
  • Does she like Structure?
  • Does she want to Help others?
  • Behavior
  • How does she welcome Newcomers?
  • Does she salute them?
  • Does she hold the door for them?
  • Does she Offer them a ticket?
  • Does she Monitor the passage order?
  • Does she present the Waiting room’s Layout?
  • How does she Guide people?
  • How does she Indicate people?
  • How does she Counsel them?
  • Quirks
  • Does she wear a Uniform?
  • Is she dressed formally?
  • Is she dressed casually?
  • Does she have a Pointer?
  • Does she have a Pen?

The Wait

  • Impatience
  • How are the Patients?
  • Are they Upset?
  • Why?
  • Because the air conditioner is broken?
  • Do they consider waiting to be a Waste of Time?
  • How do they display their frustration?
  • Do they show their Anger?
  • Are they in Exhilaration?
  • Anxiety
  • Why are they Anxious?
  • Are they afraid of being cut?
  • Are there risks that someone cut them?
  • Are they afraid of being late?
  • Because of the Practitioner?
  • Because of another customer?
  • Do they manage their own schedule properly?
  • Isolation
  • Do they feel Isolated?
  • From what?
  • Do they feel fragile?
  • Do they feel unfit?
  • Do they feel unkempt?
  • Do they feel contagious?
  • Are they afraid of being trapped?
  • Are they afraid of being left alone?
  • Do they look through the bay window?
  • Envy
  • Would they prefer to be Outside?
  • Why?
  • Where?
  • Would they prefer to do Something else?
  • What?
  • Where would their impulsion bring them?
  • Are they bored?
  • How does sloth affect/change them?



