How to write a Teacher?


  • Patience
  • Patience…
  • How does the Character display Patience?
  • How does she Show?
  • How does she Explain?
  • How Slow is her breath?
  • How Slow is her speech?
  • How Slow are her moves?
  • Does she Pause after each question?
  • Does she Pause after each answer?
  • Detachment
  • The Good will pass, The Bad will pass.
  • How does the Character define Detachment?
  • Does she advise a global Detachment?
  • Or only of certain concepts & objects?
  • How does she explain Skimming?
  • How does Detachment helps focusing on the crucial elements?
  • How does it help struggle less?
  • Experimentation
  • Always Try.
  • How does the Character display Determination?
  • How does she display Resilience?
  • Does she flinch when she fails?
  • Does she froze when she’s put in a difficult situation?
  • What’s her view on Difficulty?
  • What’s her view on Hardship?
  • How does she verify her Postulates?

Weaponry & Status

  • Authority
  • Should the character use Authority?
  • Would she need it?
  • What’s her definition of Authority?
  • What’s her view on Authority?
  • Is it Detrimental?
  • Is it an Emergency tool?
  • Coherence
  • What is Coherence?
  • How does the Character tell stories?
  • When does she expose fundamental elements?
  • What is the relationship between Coherence & Diversity?
  • What is the relationship between Coherence & Evolution?
  • What is the relationship between Evolution & Diversity?
  • How does she articulate her arguments?
  • How does she present them Graphically?
  • How does she establish the Interactions between concepts?
  • Which kind of Schema does she draw?
  • Reason
  • What’s Reason?
  • Does the Character present herself as Reasonable?
  • What are her views on Rationality?
  • How does she define Reasonable?
  • What are her views on Parsimony?
  • Persuasion
  • How does the Character react to individuals with divergent opinion?
  • Does she try to rally them?
  • Which means does she use?
  • Which Thesis does she support?
  • Which Themes does she refuse to deal with?
  • What her views on Cynicism?
  • Is she ever Cynical?
  • On which topic?
  • When is she rigid?
  • How does she make people reconsider their opinion?
  • Symbols
  • Which clothes does she wear?
  • Which accessories does she bear?
  • Which forms does she draw the most?
  • To which concept does she refer to the most?
  • Does she defend a specific idea?
  • How does she represent it?
  • Which type of Books does she read?
  • Which type of Books does she recommend?
  • Does she start each course with a saying?
  • Does she start each course with a proverb?


  • Skills
  • Which skills should the student learn?
  • In which domain?
  • What skill is crucial?
  • What skill is necessary?
  • What skill is useful?
  • How to develop it?
  • How to upgrade it?
  • How to maintain it?
  • Relationships
  • How does the Character help her student to develop their Relationships Skills?
  • Do they need to learn how to Interact with people?
  • How to ask Questions?
  • Do they need to Ask more questions?
  • Which kind?
  • Do they need to learn how to Identify needs?
  • Do they need to learn how to Identify wishes?
  • How should they develop their sense of Empathy?
  • Self-Inquiry
  • How does the Character help her student to question themselves?
  • Do they need to identify their Weaknesses?
  • Do they need to learn the consequences of their Shortcomings?
  • What causes Pain to the student?
  • What causes Boredom to the student?
  • What is the origin of this sensation?
  • How can the student diminish this sensation?
  • Research
  • How does the Character help her students to question their environment?
  • How should they Interact with their environment?
  • How should they Observe?
  • What should they be looking for?
  • Which sort of Clues?
  • How should they establish their Postulates?
  • How should they establish their Problematics?
  • How should they Test their Assumptions?
  • How should they classify their Results?
  • How should they read their Results?
  • How can they develop a Predictive approach?


  • A Mission
  • How does the Character provide the Best Services to her Students?
  • How does she ensure their Satisfaction?
  • How does she Support them?
  • How does she Correct them?
  • Does she allow the students to be Teacher for a day?
  • Does she allow them to Give courses to the class?
  • Needs
  • What do they need?
  • When would they need to use it?
  • Which Situational Knowledge would they need?
  • What is considered Essential Knowledge?
  • What is considered Useful Knowledge?
  • How can the Students perceive their own Incompleteness?
  • How can they learn what they lack of?
  • Initiative
  • How can the Students develop The will to learn more on their own?
  • Are they given Memory Trainings?
  • Which kind of Trainings?
  • What should they Learn about Intelligence?
  • What should they Learn about Cognition?
  • How would they develop their Curiosity?
  • How would they develop their sense of Innovation?

The School

  • Origins
  • Who built the school?
  • How is it made?
  • From which materials?
  • Using which technics?
  • Where is it located?
  • Why was it built here?
  • Has it been abandoned?
  • Has it been reinstated?
  • Goal
  • What is its purpose?
  • What was the aim of its founder?
  • Is she still alive?
  • Are there clues of her original aim in the school?
  • How do the Character appropriate the school to herself?
  • How does she integrate in the School?
  • Does she live there?

Types of Teacher

  • General Counselor
  • Who is the General Counselor?
  • Does she advise the students in terms of General Development?
  • Does she teach them how to be more Human?
  • How does she help them develop their Interests?
  • How does she insufflate them Respect?
  • Why does she want to Offer them a future?
  • How is she Building People?
  • Mentor
  • Who does she mentor?
  • What are her standards?
  • Which matter does she teach?
  • How does she help one to grow in a Specific Domain?
  • How does she help one to reach Expertise?
  • What’s her view on Mastery?
  • How does she Accelerate Growth?
  • How does she Optimize her teachings?
  • How does she teach Optimization?
  • President
  • What is an Elite?
  • What’s their use?
  • What are their Responsibilities?
  • What’s a Meritocracy?
  • Why would this system work?
  • What’s Effort?
  • Should 1 be judged only on her Results?
  • Why Discriminate?
  • How to Discriminate?
  • On which criteria?
  • How does 1 Chose?
  • How is 1 Accountable for her Choices?
  • What is Sacrifice?
  • Therapist
  • Does she act as a Facilitator?
  • Does she deliver Remedies?
  • How does she Heal?
  • Does she help students to enhance their Group relationships?
  • How do these Groupe sessions occur?
  • Does she help them do deal with their Individual Preoccupations?
  • Does she help them do deal with their Obsessions?
  • Does she help them do deal with their Traumatisms?


  • Advisor
  • How does she teach Persistence?
  • How does she teach Perennity?
  • How does she teach Sustainability?
  • How does she Deliver her message?
  • How does she Promote her message?
  • How does she Build her reputation?
  • How does she Manage her reputation?
  • How does she insufflate a Responsible behavior?
  • How does she manage her resources?
  • Guide
  • Where does she bring her students?
  • Which kind of Roadmap does she use?
  • Which Process does she use?
  • Why did she become a Teacher?
  • Why did she start this Business?
  • Can she explain it to her Students?
  • How does she help 1 find her Goal?
  • How does she assist 1 to manage her Doubts?
  • Rival
  • What’s Survival?
  • How does she teach life lessons?
  • How does she teach them to Defend themselves?
  • How does she display Assertiveness?
  • How does she define Protection?
  • How does she teach Skepticism?
  • How does she help students to act in their Own Interest?
  • How does she help students to act in their Best Interest?
  • How does she teach Success?
  • Enticer
  • How does she present her Subject?
  • How does she display her Passion?
  • How does she Entertain?
  • How does she make her topics Enjoyable?
  • How does she make her topics Pleasurable?
  • How does she tell stories?
  • How does she deliver the appropriate amount of information?
  • How does she make people curious?



