How to write a Sorcerer/Witch?


  • Instability
  • Is she Gregarious?
  • Is she Isolationist?
  • What is her relationship to Randomness?
  • Does she accept Change?
  • Does she get Angry easily?
  • When?
  • How Resilient is she?
  • How does she manage Group Dynamics?
  • How does she manage Conflicts?
  • Balance
  • How does she define Creation?
  • How does she define Destruction?
  • How Confident is she in her powers?
  • How Confident is she in their effects?
  • How Reliable are they?
  • Do they make her unreliable?
  • Does she Strive for Progress?
  • Does she try to Understand her Identity?
  • Natural Use
  • How much of her power is Innate?
  • How much of her power is Learned?
  • Did she Study in an institute?
  • Did she learn to control her powers?
  • By herself?
  • How do they manifest?
  • Do they manifest through her Skin?
  • Do they manifest through her Blood?
  • Do they manifest through her Breath?
  • Does she Radiate?
  • What are her Affinities?

Weaponry & Status

  • Weapons
  • How Strong is she?
  • How Endurant is she?
  • Does she want to use weapons?
  • Does she want to use conventional weapons?
  • Does she prefer remote combat?
  • Does she use Blades?
  • Does she use Daggers?
  • Does she prefer Short swords?
  • Can she use Crossbows?
  • Can she use Bows?
  • Catalyst
  • Does she have a Scepter?
  • Does she have a Staff?
  • Does she use a Wand?
  • Does she use a conventional Weapon as a Catalyst?
  • Does she use a Lance?
  • Can she Use spells without Catalyst?
  • How does she cast spells?
  • How fast does she cast them?
  • How easily does she cast them?
  • Robes
  • Does she bear Talismans?
  • Are her robes decorated with Symbols?
  • Does she wear Seals?
  • Are there Wards?
  • Which textile was used to craft her Robes?
  • What’s their color?
  • What’s their shape?
  • Does she enjoy her robes?
  • Did she craft them herself?
  • Does she feel protected by them?
  • Does she wear other accessories?


  • Legacy
  • Was she Valued?
  • Were her skills valued?
  • Was she Encouraged to use them?
  • Was she Encouraged to Experiment with them?
  • By whom?
  • How was she encouraged?
  • What were her incentives?
  • How was she enticed to use her spells?
  • When did they become a Part of her?
  • Lineage
  • Who was her Family?
  • What was her Family?
  • Are they alive?
  • Can she contact them?
  • Do they chase her?
  • What’s her Species?
  • What are the peculiarities of this Species?
  • Is she an Hybrid?
  • Is she the result of an experiment?
  • Curse
  • How does she view her powers?
  • When does she use them?
  • Is it Painful for her?
  • Because she creates trouble?
  • Because the powers hurt her body?
  • Is the Curse Unbreakable?
  • Does it become an Obsession for her?
  • Is she Obsessed?
  • Is she Possessed?
  • Which kind of Possession is this?
  • Link/Devotion
  • Did she swear an Oath?
  • Is she Bound to something?
  • Is she Bound to someone?
  • Can she Summon it?
  • Can she Invoke it?
  • Which Education did she receive?
  • Where?
  • Through whom?


  • Frustration
  • Does she have Difficulties using her spells?
  • Does she have Difficulties because of her spells?
  • Does she Need them?
  • Does she need to use them?
  • Does she make a Regular use of them?
  • Do they cause her Illnesses?
  • Does she have scars?
  • Do blisters grow on her flesh?
  • Reluctance
  • What does she Fear?
  • Is she afraid to use her spells?
  • What would happen if she used them?
  • Is her condition apparent?
  • Does she suffer from Discrimination because of it?
  • Does she anticipate a form of Discrimination?
  • A form of Ostracism?
  • Does she fear the Destruction she could cause?
  • Does she anticipate her Instability?
  • Embrace
  • When did she discover her Gift?
  • Where was she?
  • What did she do?
  • Was she in Awe?
  • Was she Proud?
  • Does she feel Superior?
  • Which feelings Develop into her?
  • Does she want to spread this condition?
  • Does she want to beget new creatures like her?
  • How will these new beings be Birthed?
  • Using which means?
  • Chaos Threshold
  • How does she define randomness?
  • How does she relate to discontinuity?
  • How reluctant is she?
  • Does she want to change?
  • What is Destruction?
  • How can Destruction be beneficial?
  • How can Creation benefit her?
  • What does she want to create?
  • To which extent is she capable to go to create this thing?
  • What is her relationship to Numbers?
  • Does she have preferred numbers?
  • What is her Pain Limit?
  • Does she have a Daily limit to the use of her spells?

Types of Sorcerer/Witch

  • Elementalist
  • Does she have any Affinities?
  • In which setting does she feel safe?
  • What is the dominant Element in this setting?
  • What are the dominant Colors in this setting?
  • What is the dominant Climate in this setting?
  • Does she have an interest for Natural phenomena?
  • Does she want to understand them?
  • Does she want to control them?
  • Was she confronted to Catastrophes?
  • How did it influence her?
  • Spiritualist
  • With whom does she have any Affinities?
  • Which kind of people does she prefer?
  • Which kind of non-sentient beings does she prefer?
  • In which Location does she feel safe?
  • What is the Purpose of this setting?
  • What are the dominant Colors in this setting?
  • What is the Atmosphere of this setting?
  • Does she have an interest for Intellectual phenomena?
  • Does she understand Cognition?
  • Does she want to control this Process?
  • Does she understand Interactions?
  • Does she want to control them?
  • Which Crisis pushed her to get interested to this Phenomena?
  • How did it influence her?
  • Dreamweaver
  • How often does she sleep?
  • Does she sleep?
  • Where?
  • In which context?
  • What does she dream of?
  • How can she act on her Dreams?
  • Can she influence other’s Dreams?
  • Can she channel Dreams?
  • Can she funnel them into non-dream space?
  • Does she create illusions?
  • Does she create things?
  • Witch
  • Does she belong to a Covenant?
  • What is the form of this Covenant?
  • Is it a Coven?
  • Is it an Order?
  • Is it a Clan?
  • What are their Rites?
  • What are their Tenets?
  • What are their Customs?
  • Where does she practice these Rites?
  • What is their goal?
  • Which kind of being do they interact with?
  • What do they need to reach this goal?


  • Rival
  • What does she want to Change in her?
  • What does she want to Change in others?
  • Can she Catalyze her team’s evolution?
  • Is she Adversarial?
  • Is she Challenging?
  • Is she Resolute?
  • How Relentless is she?
  • How Reckless is she?
  • Soul
  • Does she experiment?
  • How does she conduce her experiments?
  • Does she Ponder?
  • Does she enjoy resting?
  • How often does she sleep?
  • What does she dream of?
  • Does she try to materialize her dreams?
  • Does she enjoy Spellcasting?
  • Does it give her pleasure?
  • Protector
  • How friendly is she?
  • How caring is she?
  • Does she enjoy taking care of others?
  • Does she like to be useful?
  • Does it give her a sense of pride?
  • Does she want to protect others using her spells?
  • Is she Patient?
  • How Patient is she?
  • Advisor
  • Who does she Question?
  • What does she Question them about?
  • How does she Question them?
  • Why is she interested by them?
  • How does she manifest her interest?
  • What does she discuss with them?
  • Does she want to know about their goals?
  • Does she attempt to change their goals?
  • Does she try to influence them?
  • For their benefit?



