How to Write a Sequel? Sagas


  • Trilogy
  • What’s the typical Structure of a Trilogy?
  • The Characters are Introduced.
    • How do you Introduce them?
    • How do they meet each other?
    • Why do they form a team?
  • The Antagonist reach her Goal.
    • What’s her Goal?
    • How does she reach it?
    • What are the Consequences?
  • The Protagonists thwart the Antagonists.
    • How do they stop the Antagonists?
    • Do they triumph?
    • How is the Confrontation?
    • How is the World in the Aftermath of this Confrontation?
  • Saga
  • Can you do more than 3 consecutive Stories?
  • How is the Story unfolding?
  • Is it Exciting?
  • Is it disheartening?
  • Is it Bleak?
  • When do they Struggle?
  • When do they truly win?
  • How many people do they lose?
  • How many Characters disappear?
  • How do they disappear?
  • How are the Characters engaged into the Settings?
  • How are the Settings created?
  • What are their Goals?
  • Escalation
  • What’s the Threat in the 1st Episode?
  • What’s the Threat in the Sequel?
  • What’s the Threat in the 3rd Episode?
  • How do they compare?
  • How did you create them?
  • Are they linked to one another?
  • Can you compose more threatening situation?
  • How are they more threatening?
  • Do you use Simultaneity?
  • Are they multiple Menaces to oppose at the same time?
  • Who is facing them?
  • Why are the teams adapted to face each different menace?
  • How do they resolve their specific Issue?
  • Should you make a Saga?
  • How do the Characters react to the Advancement of the Story?
  • Are they satisfied?
  • Are they exhausted?
  • Are they disengaged?
  • Happy Characters make the Story more Engaging for the Public.
  • How can they drive the Story forward?
  • How do they Engage the Public?
  • How Memorable are they?
  • How Likeable are they?
  • How Relatable are they?

Staying together

  • Teamwork
  • Who Manages the Team?
  • Who Coordinates the Team?
  • Who Purveys for the Team?
  • How do these roles evolve?
  • How does the Team work evolve?
  • How is this Evolution displayed?
  • How does the Team Structure change?
  • How do members take Initiatives?
  • Which kind of Initiatives?
  • How do they Protect one another?
  • How do they Train together?
  • How do they Train one another?
  • How does the Training play out?
  • Who develops which skills?
  • With whose assistance?
  • How do they establish their Strategies?
  • Do they plan together?
  • Do they debate?
  • Can the team members criticize the Leader’s strategy?
  • Attachment
  • What’s the Emblem of the Group?
  • How do the Characters develop a sense of Belonging in the Group?
  • What is their Mission?
  • What is their Slogan?
  • Which Services do they provide to each other?
  • How do they help each other?
  • Which Attentions do they grant to each other?
  • Which Games do they play together?
  • Alignment
  • What are the main Issues in the Group?
  • When do they appear?
  • How do they evolve?
  • What cause them to grow?
  • What acts as a Catalyst for dissension?
  • What causes Departure?
  • Who quits the Group?
  • What makes a group member Sacrifice herself?
  • Is it her oath to the Group?
  • Is it an independent decision?
  • Is it because of her Role?
  • Do the Characters share their Doubts with one another?
  • Are they ready to accept their Own Weaknesses?
  • How do they manage Change?
  • Involvement & Engagement
  • What Motivates everyone?
  • What Bores everyone?
  • What is the source of everyone’s Enticement?
  • Does everyone find an Interest in the story/game?
  • Can everyone act Honestly & Freely?
  • Is everyone solicited?
  • Is someone over-solicited?
  • Is someone under-solicited?
  • Is everyone asked to do things they want to do?
    • Individually?
    • As a Group?


  • Tempo & Pace
  • How do you create Surprise?
  • How diverse are your Scenes?
  • How diverse are the Confrontations?
  • Where do we start?
  • How can we start fast?
  • How do we slow down the pace?
  • Why do we slow down the pace?
  • Do the Characters meet someone?
  • Do they need to talk to her?
  • Do they need to fight her?
  • Why do they stop their journey?
  • How are they stopped?
  • Tone
  • How do you define the Tone in a Scene?
  • Is it through the Scenery?
  • Is it through the Characters?
  • Which senses do you solicit the most?
  • What happens when you enter a new Town?
  • Are people discreet?
  • Are they noisy?
  • Are they invasive?
  • How’s the Town itself?
  • Is it Bright?
  • Is it Gloom?
  • Is it Conventionally decorated?
  • Fun
  • How do they Characters Meet each other?
  • How are the Encounters fun?
  • How important are they?
  • How do you balance the Usefulness & the Amusement of a Situation?
  • Which Situations matter the most?
  • What are their consequences?
  • Are they long lasting?
  • How do you create a Dumb situation?
  • How do you use Paradoxes?
  • How do you use Double Entendre?
  • How do you use Weakness to create fun?
  • Can a Crisis be funny?
  • How do you write Dialogues?
  • How do you make Descriptions funny?
  • What value do they add?
  • How Memorable are the replica?
  • How Memorable are the phrases?
  • Could they become Quotes?
  • What’s their Meme potential?
  • Seeding
  • What’s a Cue?
  • How do you point at something without
  • What’s Information Hunger?
  • How do you make the Public Hungry?
  • How do you hide items?
  • How do you hide information?
  • What do the Public need at a due time?
  • What can they find during a 2nd reading/play?
  • What can they find during a 3rd reading/play?
  • How does they input change?
  • How does their vision on a specific piece of information change?
  • Does it evolve to Excitement?
  • Does it create Fear?
  • Does it create Loathe?
  • For whom?
  • For what?
  • How does an Element obtained in the Future changes the vision of the Past?

Organizations & The World

  • World Scale
  • How influential is the Organization?
  • Do they have a Flag?
  • Do they have a Crest?
  • How Fancy is it?
  • Is their Banner recognized, even by non-members?
  • Who is the Organization’s Ruler?
  • Is she known to all, even non-members?
  • How does the Organization expand?
  • How does it reflect the changes of the World?
  • Conflicts
  • In which Conflicts is the Organization involved?
  • How Adaptable is the Organization?
  • How Rigid is the Organization before a Crisis?
  • How many Organizations are there in your World?
  • How many categories of Organizations are there?
  • Do multiple Organizations have the same Role?
  • Do multiple Organizations have the same Goal?
  • Can Organizations share members?
  • Do they organize Contests?
  • Who can enter these Contests?
  • What are the Prizes?
  • How do Organization Incentivize members?
  • How do Organization Incentivize people to join them?
  • How do they create Attraction?
  • Diversity & Relationships
  • How many Organizations are they?
  • What are their Relationships to the Organization?
  • Who are the Organization’s friends?
  • Who are the Organization’s allies?
  • Who are the Organization’s opponents?
  • Who are the Organization’s foes?
  • How are they linked to each other?
  • Do they have commercial Relationships?
  • Do they have military Relationships?
  • Do they have cult Relationships?
  • Structure
  • How do you join the Organization?
  • Who’s the Manager?
  • Who’s in charge of the Personnel?
  • What’s the Hierarchy?
  • Is it a Vertical Hierarchy?
  • Is it a Horizontal Hierarchy?
  • Is there an Election system?
  • How does it unfold?
  • What is the Public Agenda ?
  • Are there Privileges if you are a member?
  • Are there Privileges if you are an officer?



